flower and asura anime

Anime Like Flower and Asura

On the small island of Tonakijima, Hana often spends her time reading to children. When Mizuki, president of the broadcasting club, notices Hana’s talent for reading stories in an engaging way, she swiftly invites her to join her school club.

While Hana is hesitant at first, she finds herself enthralled by the captivating way that some members of the club can read and speak, igniting her love for reading even more.

It’s not the topic you fall for here, it’s the way the character approach it. If you are looking for more anime recommendations like Flower and Asura, head on down below.

Anime Like Flower and Asura

For Fans of Broadcasting/Public Speaking

wave listen to me anime

Wave, Listen to Me

Minare Koda, a restaurant worker, frequently goes out drinking at night to blow off steam. One night, after a bad break up with her boyfriend, she rants about her misery to a stranger.

The next day at work, she is shocked to hear her rant broadcasted on the radio.

This stranger, as it turns out, is radio show producer Kanetsugu Matou, work runs the programming at the local station. She rushes over there to confront him and talks on-air about her reasoning for the rant.

Recognizing the talent it takes to smoothly convey your words live on the radio, Matou lands her as a host of a late-night radio talk show that covers amusing narratives from Sapporo.

Similarities Between Flower and Asura and Wave, Listen to Me

  • A woman is quickly seduced by the allures of reading aloud from a script
  • Features a deeper than normal look into what skills broadcasters need to hone
  • While focused on broadcasting as a subject, the plot is more so the various character drama

Differences Between Flower and Asura and Wave, Listen to Me

  • Wave, Listen to Me features an adult woman who gets drunk, rants on a radio show, then gets talked into becoming a radio broadcaster
  • Wave features more adult-focused character drama about their present situation whereas Flower and Asura is distinctly more youthful with its drama and whimsy.
  • Flower and Asura is about them preparing for the competition, mostly. Wave is a little more open-ended slice of life with its plot.
the many sides of voice actor radio anime

The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio

Yasumi Utatane is a voice actor that has gathered some fame for her pure and innocent demeanor, but she has recently struggled to find work. While she tries hard to maintain her persona, in truth, Yasumi Utatane is high school girl Yumiko Satou, a gyaru that prefers loose clothes and flashy jewelry to modesty. Her fierce attitude is a stark contradiction to her voice acting persona, which is why she works so hard to protect her identity.

One day, she gets an exciting opportunity to do a radio show with another up-and-coming voice actor, Yuuhi Yuugure. While Yuuhi embodies everything Yasumi thinks a voice actor should be, she soon discovers that Yuuhi is not only her gloomy classmate, Chika Watanabe, but that she is also quite different from the voice actor persona she puts before the public.

Together, they create quite the contentious pair off the air, but they are fully committed to the radio show as professionals. The bond they create by spending more time together slowly has them opening up and supporting each other.

Similarities Between Flower and Asura and The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio

  • Cute high school girls doing public speaking/script reading things
  • In-depth look at the process that broadcasters go through behind the scenes
  • Yuri bait?
  • Surprisingly deep character drama makes up most of the plot

Differences Between Flower and Asura and The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio

  • Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio follows voice actors who initially meet on a radio show, so the girls are voice actors working in a professional industry. Although, they are also still high schoolers too.
  • Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio is more dramatic with its character drama. Overall, the show has a higher intensity to it.
  • The club in Flower and Asura has a larger, mixed gender cast. Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio really just works with the two main characters.
rakugo anime

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

Former yakuza member Yotarou is fresh out of prison and looking to keep his nose clean. In order to stay out of trouble, he aspires to the stage of Rakugo, a traditional Japanese form of comedic storytelling.

Inspired by a man he saw perform while incarcerated, he seeks out the man to mentor him, forcing the unwilling, but distinguished Yakumo Yuurakutei to take on his first apprentice.

Similarities Between Flower and Asura and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

  • Both surround the art of reading something aloud and present it as surprisingly complex and involving more intention than you might think.
  • The art of speaking brings people together and fuels some of the character drama, but each character has personal issues to explore as well
  • Slowly paced, thought-provoking slice of life

Differences Between Flower and Asura and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

  • Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is a historical series, with a decent chunk of it set in 1930s Japan and the rest taking place in 1970s Japan.
  • Rakugo is the classic art of comedic storytelling. Flower and Asura covers more applications of broadcasting than just one art form of it.
  • Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is far more dramatic with its character drama
  • Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu has a cast of primarily adult men in the art, and also just in general.

Find Out Where to Continue The Flower and Asura Story At Our Sibling Site:

For Fans of Girls Doing Normal Things With A Side of Yuri Bait

sound euphonium anime

Sound! Euphonium

Swearing off music after a certain incident, euphonist Kumiko enter high school looking for a fresh start.

However, it turns out she is surrounded by people with a passion for instruments that end up dragging her into a band aiming for nationals, and not a very good band at that.

Similarities Between Flower and Asura and Sound Euphonium

  • Sound! Euphonium and Flower and Asura are written by the same author, and it shows.
  • Girls doing a non-glamorous activity that is made amazing by tender storytelling and intricate characterization.
  • Yuri bait moments.
  • Character drama that is delicate and emotional without going overboard
  • “Preparing for the competition” is ultimately the overall plot.

Differences Between Flower and Asura and Sound Euphonium

  • Sound! Euphonium is about girls in concert band. This also means it works with fairly large cast.
  • Sound! Euphonium works with a heavily female cast while Flower and Asura is more mixed gender.
akebi's sailor uniform anime

Akebi’s Sailor Uniform

Living in a rural area and previously going to a small one-room school with no other girls her age, Akebi holds the dream of going to the prestigious Roubai Academy for girls like her mother and wearing that illustrious sailor uniform. With her uniform on, she endeavors to make as many friends as possible.

Similarities Between Flower and Asura and Akebi’s Sailor Uniform

  • Cute girls living their normal school lives and enjoying rather average slice of life activities.
  • The deep characterization and moments of subtle beauty are the real draw.
  • Vaguely yuri bait moments that make you wonder if you are reading into things too much.

Differences Between Flower and Asura and Akebi’s Sailor Uniform

  • As Akebi’s Sailor Uniform is not a “school club” focused anime, but rather just a normal slice of life about a girl and her connections with other girls, it doesn’t have a driving factor in the plot. It truly is just a slice of life plot.
  • The characters in Akebi’s Sailor Uniform all have a few more unique quirks to their personality, but none that really require suspension of disbelief.
  • Akebi’s Sailor Uniform takes place in an all-girls school, so it has minimal men.

For Fans of Deep Character Drama While Doing Obscure Activities

stop this sound anime

Stop This Sound

After the senior members graduated, Takezou is now the sole member of his Japanese string instrument club. Facing termination, he now begins his search for new members when suddenly a wily one bursts right into his club room.

Chika has a strong reputation as a violent thug, but due to his grandfather being a renowned koto artisan before his death, he has a passion for the koto that will help Takezou revive his dying club.

Similarities Between Flower and Asura and Stop This Sound

  • Characters are gathered in a smaller school club with a fairly uninteresting topic (broadcasting, koto)
  • “Prepare for the competition” type overall plot
  • Interesting character drama both about the club activity and of a more personal nature
  • Mixed gender cast

Differences Between Flower and Asura and Stop This Sound

  • Stop This Sound is about playing the koto, a traditional Japanese instrument, so it is a music anime. It also is a fair bit more intense about it.
  • Stop This Sound is heavier on the character drama and a bit less subtle with its characterization.
blue peroid anime

Blue Period

In his second year of high school, Yatora Yaguchi goofs off with his friends and studies hard enough to make good grades. However, neither makes him happy. Bound by normal activities, he wonders if there is something more.

One day, he discovers the joy of drawing after becoming enchanted by a painting made by an art club member. Deciding he wants to do art as a living, Yatora faces a number challenges including his own hesitation on how far art can take him.

Similarities Between Flower and Asura and Blue Period

  • Main character relatively new to an activity becomes increasingly passionate about it
  • Character drama about striving to improve at the activity and also deal with their more personal issues

Differences Between Flower and Asura and Blue Period

  • Blue Period is about creating art as an artist with the intention to make it a career.
  • Blue Period is more intense in all ways. More intense with portraying the activity and more intense about displaying their passion about it.
  • Blue Period features the heavier, darker character drama.
opera girl anime

Opera Girl

After being forced out of her idol group due to a stalker fostering her discomfort with men, Ai Narata seeks to use her talents at the prestigious Kouka School of Musical and Theatrical Arts. This school has gained renown for producing the best actresses, and Ai fits their criteria even if her demeanor alienates her from her classmates.

Upon entering school, Ai meets the tall and eccentric Sasara Watanabe who causes friction of her own with her classmates. Together, these girls find that they will need more than just talent to succeed at the school and earn their prestige.

Similarities Between Flower and Asura and Opera Girl

  • Speaking and performing with intention, though in different ways (reading/broadcasting, acting)
  • Yuri bait moments?
  • “Prepare for the competition/performance” type of overall plot

Differences Between Flower and Asura and Opera Girl

  • Opera Girl is about girls in a rather competitive performing arts school who all want favorable roles in the school play.
  • Opera Girls can be quite heavy with its character drama, both in the topics it covers and the sheer amount of it.
  • Opera Girls takes place in an all-girls school, which means minimal men.

Do you have more anime recommendations like Flower and Asura? Let fans know in the comments section below.

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