There are a lot of ways to get anime recommendations.
You could see a cool clip on YouTube and decide to check out a series. You could use sites that let a large variety of users add recommendations, like MyAnimeList of Anilist. You could ask on Reddit and get a fun variety of answers. However, I have always found the best way to get anime recommendations is by getting them from someone who has watched the same show as you.
That is what Recommend Me Anime is about – Offering you a list of anime recommendations based on the anime you just watched or the things you like about a series in general.
About The Founder

Recommend Me Anime probably seems like one of those large sites – I mean, it is a large site, at this point – with a lot of contributing authors. However, every article, aside from the sparse guest post, is written by me – Amerowolf.
I’ve watched anime for 20 years – starting back when it took an hour to buffer an episode on dial-up internet and half of the anime you bought online were fansubs burned onto a DVD by some dude in a basement.
I went to school for web design, ended up working as a freelance writer instead, and all that combined would lead to creating this site as a hobby in 2016.
Originally, Recommend Me Anime started the way a lot of anime blogs start, I think. I like anime, and I wanted to write about it. I always liked helping connect people to different series, so I just started doing that. It seemed more compelling than doing reviews and recaps like most everyone else, anyway. Particularly since I like most anime I watch and liking most things you watch doesn’t necessarily make for engaging reviews.
How I Write My Anime Recommendations
Literally anyone can provide anime recommendations. I want Recommend Me Anime to be aimed at anime recommendations made at a higher quality that tell you succinctly why a series is like another series. To ensure this quality, I have a process that some may want to know about.
For each anime I make recommendations for, I have watched it to at least episode 6. I’m a human, and some anime series just aren’t for me. I watch series I enjoy all the way through, but for the ones that I don’t love, I watch until I get a feel for them.
Sometimes I get a feel for them in three episodes, but I always go to six episodes, just it case it has one of those crafty mid-season shifts. More than a few anime series have actually gotten a lot better by episode six, truth be told.
The alternative is true, too. Sometimes I dislike a series, but I haven’t grasped the core plot and themes it is trying to use in its story, so I watch it until I understand.
Some series that I recommend for certain anime, I have not seen, but I have heard enough about to make the recommendation. I actually kind of hate that, and am constantly watching new series – and making edits to articles – to limit that gap.
It is because I like to watch more episodes than the average seasonal sampler that my seasonal anime recommendations are later than some. Imagine if I wrote my recommendations for a series like Deca-Dence after episode one? There was a huge reveal in the second episode that made it quite different!
Each season, I start my seasonal recommendations with series that are easy to grasp or series I went and read the manga for. Isekai, slice of life, school club anime, cute girls doing cute things – all are pretty easy to grasp. Yet, I do watch to episode 6 and make edits as necessary even after the recommendations go live.

Do Anime Recommendations Get Updated?
Recommend Me Anime is ever-growing and ever-changing. I want to provide high-quality, detailed anime recommendations. That said, since 2016, my opinions on series have changed, my format has changed, and my writing style has improved and matured. Not to mention that new anime airs every year that is applicable to older series.
So, updates are needed to a lot of anime recommendations and lists.
I make updates based on the age of an article (my older articles are often terrible and cringe-worthy), as well as if the series has a currently airing subsequent season and has become relevant again. Also, sometimes I make updates arbitrarily because I feel like doing that specific series. It’s my website, I can do illogical things like that!
Well, that is about all there is to know about Recommend Me Anime. If you have any further questions or inquiries, you can contact me via the contact page, which also has a FAQ based what commonly ends up in my inbox.