It is a tale as old as time. There will be great heroes that are draped in their accolades, and then there will be these jerks and jerkettes. The odds and ends that don’t really fit in so well with society for one reason or another, but they fit together pretty good. Sometimes, they can even save the world.
Best Anime About a Group of Misfits

Konosuba may look like your standard isekai set up, except that everyone just kind of sucks. Overall, the adventuring party is pretty useless, but they do have their areas in which they excel. It’s just one of those things where all together they can make things work, but on their own or in any other adventuring party, they would be a major hindrance.

Assassin Classroom
Assassination Classroom takes place at one of those highly competitive schools where anyone that doesn’t conform or traditionally excel is shoved off into one class and mostly neglected. That is, until one day a creature destroys the moon and decides to teach them, challenging the class to kill him in one year or he would destroy the Earth. It’s solid motivation.

While the teens in Kiznaiver weren’t exactly outcasts so much as they were normal kids with their own unique problems, they are banded together in the most unique of ways. The characters are used as test subjects for a system that links them together so if one feels pain, they all feel it.

Irresponsible Captain Tylor
This series came off the tail nd of serious space opera series like Gundam or Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It is about the world’s most lackadaisical commander given command of the world’s most complicated and inept crew on a broken down old space cruiser.

Black Clover
In Black Clover, a boy without magic in a world full of even mundane people that can use magic is taken into the weakest – or at least most problematic – squad of Magic Knights, the Black Bulls. The thing is that the Black Bulls are all pretty strong, but they all have some other kind of problem that would not make them a good fit for the more serious knight squads.

7 Seeds
In 7 Seeds, in order to preserve humanity after an extinction event, they created several teams of young people to freeze and then wake up in the future to rebuild and repopulate. These individuals are all talented in some way or otherwise trained for survival, except for one team of absolute misfits. Somewhere along the line in process it was thought that humans can be the most adaptable and resilient if they had undergone enough adversity, so they included one team of normal, untalented people who often seem to be the most calming presence to some of the more high strung members of other teams.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
When the class of social misfits makes their teacher, a severely depressed man who attempts suicide almost daily, look normal, you know something seriously is wrong. Of course, the longer you go with the series, the crazier it becomes.

Before isekai was a big thing and there was Konosuba to bring levity to it, there was generic fantasy and and Slayers to bring levity to that. In Slayers, the party members are all powerful in many ways, but all distinctly broken in so many others. Character flaws are in abundance.

Kokoro Connect
The Student Cultural Society is kind of just a catch-all club for various kids that don’t want to join other clubs, but have to join some club as per school rules. Naturally, it is filled with kids that have some sort of problem that haunts them and causes them to feel disconnected from their peers.

Much like Kokoro Connect, but without the supernatural body switching, Haganai is about outcasts forming a club to make friends and finding that it fills up with other outcasts. It also ends up a bit of a harem situation, because of course it does.

Akame ga Kill
Akame Ga Kill is based on the premise of a kid wanting to go join the knights, discovering the government is rather corrupt and downright evil, and ending up joining a group of revolutionaries. While the group of revolutionaries in question is quite powerful, all the members are uniquely odd. In contrast to the country boy of a main character, they are all rather uniquely eccentric.

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
In Grimgar, a group of people end up in a fantasy world and run into a familiar problem when they form adventuring groups. The athletic and well-adjusted people all pair up, but the story focuses on the group of people that form a group purely because no one else wanted to form a group with them. It focuses on their long and arduous struggle to kill even low level monsters.

Baka and Test
In Baka and Test, people are put into classes based on their performance on an evaluation test. Of course the best class gets the best perks while the lowest class is largely left neglected. This is the story of the lowest class and their comical climb to better standing.

Angel Beats
In Angel Beats, it keeps it no secret that the characters have died and their high school life is merely just the after life. However, as things go on, you discover that they all ended up there in particular because of the difficult life they had while alive, making them all misfits in the saddest way.

The Pet Girl of Sakura Hall
While the school in this series doesn’t so much rank their classes and treat them differently, they do send students that become, in some way, unmanageable in the normal student dorms to the special Sakura Hall. It is an old building, rundown, and filled with misfits. They were disruptive to the normal student dorms, but do find camaraderie with one another while living together.
Do you know more anime recommendations where a bunch of misfits band together? Let fans know in the comments section below.
You forgot fairy tale
I was expecting The Promised Neverland to be on here
Iruma demon school
Bingo stray dogs
I think these fit in