100 girlfriends anime

Anime Like The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You

Throughout his middle school career, Rentaro Aijo has confessed to – and been rejected by – 100 girls. After his 100th confession, he visits a shrine and prays to god that he will have better luck in high school.

Suddenly the God of Love appears and declares to him that in high school he will meet 100 soulmates that he is destined to date!

However, the catch is that once he meets these soulmates, the two must date or else the girl will die. Will Rentaro be able to make it through high school with 100 girlfriends!?

This series is the worst parts of every harem anime done in the best possible way, to the biggest possible extremes – and it is amazing. If you are looking for more anime recommendations like The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You, head on down below.

Anime Like The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You

For Fans of Dating ALL The Girls!

girlfriend girlfriend anime

Girlfriend, Girlfriend

After loving her for years, Naoya Mukai finally confesses his love to his childhood friend, Saki. However, just as he settles into dating her, a girl named Nagisa comes out of the woodwork and confesses her secret love for him.

Instead of shooting her down, he is charmed by her feelings, and suggests to both her and Saki that he date both of them.

100 Girlfriends and Girlfriend, Girlfriend work with a similar concept – a guy can’t choose between girls, so he dates them all at the same time. However, 100 Girlfriends is forcing him to do that to save their lives whereas Girlfriend, Girlfriend is just about a very indecisive guy.

100 Girlfriends lets you know early and often with its actions that it is a comedy. The comedy in Girlfriend, Girlfriend is present, but a bit more subtle. It likes to subtly lampshade situations to let you know it is silly, but not to the extreme like 100 Girlfriends does with its comedy.

It is also worth noting that while Girlfriend, Girlfriend has its moments, it is more of a harem comedy than a harem ecchi comedy like 100 Girlfriends.

the world god only knows anime

The World God Only Knows

Keima Katsuragi is known as the “God of Conquest,” a man that can conquer any girl’s heart, at least in his dating sim games.

However, when Keima arrogantly accepts an offer to prove his dating sim supremacy, he finds himself at the mercy of a demon that forces him to woo over real life girls.

While 100 Girlfriends is about dating all the girls at the same time, The World God Only Knows is a unique take on dating sims. He does date all the available girls in the series, but after each conclusion, it wipes everyone’s memories. As such, he only has one girlfriend at a time.

Regardless of that key difference, both 100 Girlfriends and The World God Only Knows are about meeting a variety of different harem tropes and wooing them. The main character, in the process of wooing them, also helps them with their various problems and insecurities.

While The World God Only Knows does have some comedy, it definitely plays its premise a lot more straightforwardly.

date a live anime

Date a Live

Thirty years ago, an explosion devastated East Asia, killing over 150 million people. In the present day, such “spacequakes” are now a common occurrence.

One day, Shidou Itsuka races to rescue his little sister from one such spacequake. However, when he is caught in the blast, he discovers a mysterious girl who turns out to be a Spirit. These girls are responsible for the devastation when they come crashing to Earth.

However, when Shidou is rescued by an anti-Spirit team, he discovers it is headed up by his little sister. Recruited in and tasked with neutralizing Spirits with extreme force, Shidou discovers he can come to a more peaceful solution – making the Spirits fall in love.

What 100 Girlfriends does ridiculous with its ultra-harem, Date a Live does too, but in a different form of ridiculousness.

Ultimately, both 100 Girlfriends and Date a Live are about men who date women to save their lives. Date a Live is an action anime in which he must woo over destructive alien girls so they don’t cause destructive events that would force an agency to kill them. However, unlike 100 Girlfriends that lets you know that having many girlfriends all at the same time is difficult and ridiculous, Date a Live makes the large variety of girls he is wooing all sort of obvious to each other.

In essence, while Date a Live has a ridiculous-sounding concept, it actually plays it quite seriously. So it isn’t the same comedy affair that 100 Girlfriends offers.

For Fans of So Ridiculous That Its Comedy

temple anime

Temple – No One Can Live on Loneliness

After his father abandoned him to chase his lustful urges all around the world, Akemitsu Akegami is determined to control his overwhelming urges so as to not be a creep.

However, after a chance encounter with a mysterious girl leaves him filled with impure thoughts, he decides to become a Buddhist monk in order to tame his worldly desires.

Unfortunately for him, the temple he decides to become a monk at has since become a nunnery full of women. What’s more, the woman he had that chance encounter with is there training to become the head priestess in order to save the temple from shutting down.

Part of the charm of 100 Girlfriends is that the series is a harem/ecchi/comedy anime, but their actual character interactions are often pretty wholesome. The main character is a nice guy and does every single thing possible to make each girlfriend feel like they are his main girlfriend.

Temple, while not the extreme degree of harem that 100 Girlfriends presents, is a harem anime with the same sort of set up. The main character is nice, albeit significantly more horny, and bends over backwards to help every girl with their issues in a rather pleasant way. Of course, no one in Temple is his actual girlfriend and every time he attempts to help them, it ends in an ecchi situation since Temple is indeed an ecchi harem comedy anime.

prison school anime

Prison School

The Hachimitsu Private Academy has always been a prestigious all-girls school that is prized for its high quality education and rigid discipline. However, they are now accepting boys as well as girls.

With a mere five boys in the schools, these boys think they are the luckiest men in the world. That is, until they get caught peeping and have their personal freedoms taken away in the brutal prison below the school.

Do you like 100 Girlfriends for those big, extra-lewd moments taken to the extreme for comedy, but are still pretty great to watch because they are also good ecchi? Well then. I think Prison School is for you – because that’s all Prison School is.

While 100 Girlfriends is an extreme version of harem anime for comedy and occasional lewdness, Prison School is an extreme version of ecchi anime for comedy and lewdness. It has a much bigger focus on sexual comedy, and is often a lot more graphic about it. However, it never lets you forget that it is a comedy anime and not just an ecchi anime that likes BDSM.

love tyrant anime

Love Tyrant

When a strange girl named Guri comes knocking on Seiji Aino’s door asking him to kiss her or she will die, he mistakes her desperation as a sign of love.

He discovers that Guri is a wielder of the Kiss Note, a notebook where any pairing she writes will kiss and become a couple. She admits that she accidentally misspelt a name into Seijio’s name while indulging yaoi fantasies.

However, as she has yet to pair him with anyone, now if she doesn’t find someone to pair him up with, not only will she die, but he will remain a virgin forever as per the Kiss Note’s rules.

100 Girlfriends is a harem anime that loves its parody and meta jokes. While Love Tyrant is more of a love triangle-based harem, it also is a series that enjoys reaping comedy from parody and meta jokes.

However, while 100 Girlfriends is enjoyable for how much it parodies the standard harem situation, despite itself being a pretty good actual harem anime, Love Tyrant is more about the comedy and less about the harem.

Both like ecchi jokes, but Love Tyrant isn’t parody the harem genre so much as it just likes referencing and parodying other anime for a quick joke.

oresuki anime

Oresuki – Are You The Only One Who Loves Me?

Jouro is your average high school boy that dreams of a love story. He is thrilled when he lines up two dates, but unfortunately, both girls confess their love for his best friend.

Of course, his friendly face is just a facade. Schemer that he is, he decides to make his friend fall for one of the girls so he can swipe the other.

Unfortunately, his efforts are threatened by Pansy, a gloomy girl who knows of his secret personality.

100 Girlfriends and Oresuki are harem anime that are better described as “comedy harems.” Both series are about a main character and his relationship with a whole harem of women, but neither plays out like a standard romantic harem anime would.

In 100 Girlfriends, the comedy comes from him handling his many quirky girlfriends and satisfying their needs. In Oresuki, the comedy comes from how scummy and terrible every character is. It essentially takes off the sugar-coating to the harem scenario and makes their real motives comedic.

komi cant communicate anime

Komi-san Can’t Communicate

It is the first day for incoming freshmen at the prestigious Itan Private High School. For Hitohito Tadano, he considers himself lucky to get in and angles to not make waves during his high school career.

However, he finds himself sitting next to the beautiful, beloved, yet cold and silent Shouko Komi, immediately earning the ire of his classmates.

After a series of events leads to him being left alone with her, he discovers that she is not cold, but suffers from extreme social anxiety that prevents her from speaking. After a long conversation through writing, he wants to help her reach her goal of making 100 friends.

Now, Komi-san Can’t Communicate is decidedly different from 100 Girlfriends in that it isn’t a harem anime. It is a romantic comedy where romance moves slowly and comedy is used in abundance. However, despite that key difference, they actually share quite a bit with each other.

Both 100 Girlfriends and Komi-san Can’t Communicate are anime that puts a comical emphasis on characters and – in particular – character stereotypes. Both series use a lot of character tropes, but they always take those tropes to the extreme for the comedic value.

Furthermore, both series are about the world’s most average and nice male main character who is beloved by women way out of his league by being a nice guy who will bend over backwards to help them. The big difference between them is that Komi-san Can’t Communicate is a comedy, but doesn’t use ecchi comedy as much as 100 Girlfriends does.

For Fans of No Clear Main Girl In This Harem of Best Girls

the quintessential quintuplets anime

Quintessential Quintuplets

As his family is in some serious debt, Fuutaro Uesugi is a serious penny pincher. However, his great grades have landed him a higher than normal paying tutor job.

The problem is that his five wards, all sisters, are dumb as door nails and think he is a complete idiot.

However, to get his pay, he has to think of a way to get these five unique girls to study and learn.

While 100 Girlfriends purposely does not set up an obvious main girl in its harem since it is parodying the entire harem genre, Quintessential Quintuplets is a non-parody harem anime that works very hard to keep the main girl vague.

What this means for both series is the main character gives equal time to all the girls in the harem without any main girl eating up more than their fair share of screen time.

While Quintessential Quintuplets has plenty of comedy, it isn’t a rapid-paced extreme comedy affair like 100 Girlfriends is.

bokuben we never learn anime

Bokuben – We Never Learn

In order to help his family out financially, Nariyuki Yuiga dedicated himself to becoming a high achiever in order to get a special nomination that covers future university fees.

While he is constantly overshadowed by two other classmates in math and literature, he manages to get the nomination anyway with the condition he tutor these two other students in other academic areas.

It turns out that these two girls that excel over him in those two subjects are mediocre at everything else.

Both 100 Girlfriends and Bokuben are harem anime where there is no clear main girl in the harem. The main character spends about equal time with each girl, helping them with their problems.

However, 100 Girlfriends is parodying harem anime by dating all the girls, but Bokuben is an anime based on a manga that takes the visual novel route to harem where each girl got their own ending with the main character. This means that technically every girl is a “main” girl, even though the anime only did the ending for one girl.

Regardless, what these series most have in common is that every girl in the harem is particularly quirky to a comical degree, but Bokuben is still a more serious harem anime.

Do you have more anime recommendations like The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You? Let fans know in the comments section below.

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