An Archdemon's Dilemma How to Love Your Elf Bride anime

Anime Like An Archdemon’s Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride

After the Archdemon Marchosias passes away, the sorcerer Zagan decides to venture out of his solitude to attend an auction of his belongings.

While he expected to find powerful artifacts, instead they put a beautiful elven slave with rare white hair named Nephilia up for bidding. Feeling a strange sensation in his chest, Zagan is compelled to purchase her – spending all of his money in the process.

While he takes her home, Zagan has a new problem. Years of seclusion have left him socially inept and he has no idea how to express his feelings to this women who is constantly bewildered by his actions.

Are misunderstood evil guys the new adorable? If you are looking for more anime recommendations like An Archdemon’s Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride, head on down below.

Anime Like An Archdemon’s Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride

For Fans of The Nicest Evil Guy Falls in Love

I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness anime

I’m Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness

With his powerful magic earning him the label of “Demon Lord” and causing him to be feared by most people, Allen Crawford lives in seclusion in the woods.

One day, he finds a girl collapsed in the forest and brings her home. He learns that her name is Charlotte and she was falsely accused of evil deeds which resulted in the annulment of her arranged marriage to royalty and forced her to flee her country.

Having experience being betrayed by humanity before, Allen decides to not just give her a place to call home, but declares that if people think she is a bad person, he will teach her to do all sorts of naughty things!

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and I’m Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness

  • Main character with an evil reputation is actually a nice guy
  • The female lead made being innocent and pure her whole personality
  • The powerful mage main character lives alone right up until a girl ends up living with him
  • Romance is wholesome and sweet, but barred by social awkwardness and missed cues

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and I’m Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness

  • Disgraced Noble Lady, when not indulging cute romance moments, is pleasant fantasy slice of life. An Archdemon’s Dilemma has more drama and action.
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts anime

The Sacrificial Bride and The King of Beasts

After hundreds of years of war between the kingdom of beasts and the neighboring human kingdom, a peace treaty was signed. The conditions of this treaty say that humans must offer a sacrifice to be devoured by the King of Beasts every year on a particular night.

Sariphi is the latest sacrifice to be sent, adopted by her parents to specifically protect their true-born daughter. Despondent after learning that truth and feeling like she has no home to return back to anyway, Sariphi is fine with dying and unafraid of the King of Beasts.

Intrigued by her lack of fear, the King of Beasts begins to grow closer to her, and when the day of sacrifice comes, he defies his advisors and decides to takes this interesting girl as his wife.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts

  • The male love interest has a fearful reputation as well as people jealous of his elevated position
  • The one person he really lets in is the woman he falls in love with almost immediately
  • People constantly intervene in their life tpgether, making up the rest of the non-romance-related plot
  • Both series have moments of quickly resolved action and intrigue

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts

  • Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts is a royal romance between a king and the sacrifice he decides to marry.
  • The romance in Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts actually has virtually no drama. Everyone else has problems with their relationship, however. In contrast, An Archdemon’s Dilemma has more relationship drama and as well as more non-relationship-related drama.
  • Political drama is a large portion of the plot in Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
  • Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts follows the female leads’ perspective while An Archdemon’s Dilemma features a male lead’s perspective.
the world is still beautiful anime

The World is Still Beautiful

Within the realms of the Sun Kingdom, it never rains. However, in the Principality of the Rain, the women of the family possess the ability to call upon the rain. So when the Sun King, recent conqueror of the world, Livius I decides to take a wife, it is only natural to pick one of the four princesses from the Principality of the Rain.

Nike Remarcier is the youngest and lost a game to her sisters, so she was chosen to go. Frustrated at her lot, she journeys to the kingdom and is surprised to find that the Sun King is not as scary as they say, and also that he is just a boy.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and The World is Still Beautiful

  • A woman is given to powerful man with a fearful reputation
  • Love blooms overtime as she realizes he’s not scary and he realizes that he can trust her implicitly.
  • Everyone else intervenes in their relationship and make moves on their lives.

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and The World is Still Beautiful

  • The World is Still Beautiful follows a world conqueror who is a boy-king, so it is a royal romance and an age-gap romance between him and his slightly older bride.
  • The World is Still Beautiful follows a female main character who is quite feisty.
  • While An Archdemon’s Dilemma is about keeping Nephy at bay for her safety, The World is Still Beautiful is about a king who has had attempts on his life in the past learning that he can trust his bride-to-be.
I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss royal romance anime

I’m The Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss

Being constantly ill, a girl passed her time in the hospital playing otome games. However, one day she wakes up in the world of the game she was playing. What’s more, she wakes up as Aileen Lauren Dautriche, the villainess of the game.

After childhood friend and crown prince Cedric publicly breaks up with her for the game’s protagonist, Aileen makes moves to avoid the tragic future that results in her death.

She decides to propose to Cedric’s half-brother, Demon King Claude who, if left alone, would transform into a dragon and off-handedly kill her in the game.

So begins her quest to tame him.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and I’m the Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss

  • Both series follow the romance of a guy with an evil reputation, but who is actually quite nice.
  • The male love interest is both powerful, and a target for others.
  • The female love interest is a bit naive and innocent
  • Both offer as much intrigue plot as they do romance

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and I’m the Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss

  • I’m The Villainess is an otome anime, so it has a female main character instead of following the male lead as the main character like An Archdemon’s Dilemma
  • An Archdemon’s Dilemma has a bit more action to it
  • The female love interest in I’m The Villainess is a bit more headstrong and scrappy than the more modest Nephy.

For Fans of Rehabilitated Through Romance

my happy marriage anime

My Happy Marriage

Despite being the firstborn daughter of a noble family known for its supernatural abilities, Miyo is treated little different than a servant by her father, stepmother, and stepsister after not manifesting any supernatural abilities.

After years of abuse and neglect, Miyo is told that she will be married off into the Kudo household. Kiyoka Kudo has built a reputation as a cruel man, having chased off several fiancees already. Knowing that she can’t return home and will be left homeless if the marriage fails, Miyo is ready to bow and scrape.

However, she finds Kiyoka Kudo to be a quiet, but kind man. Unfortunately, not everyone takes her marriage into the Kudo family so well.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and My Happy Marriage

  • Demure women given as bride to a man
  • The male love interest is high ranking, quite powerful, lives in seclusion, and isn’t very social
  • The plot is split between romance and the dealing with the intrigue that others aim at the main couple
  • Small moments of magical action
  • Much of the romance plot is about boosting the low self-esteem of the female love interest

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and My Happy Marriage

  • My Happy Marriage is a fictionalized, supernatural historical Taisho Era Japan-set series, which is different from the pure medieval fantasy with magic-type setting of An Archdemon’s Dilemma.
  • My Happy Marriage is told from the female main character’s perspective, for the most part
  • My Happy Marriage puts more focus on the abuse the female main character had to endure and what it did to her mind and personality.
anime like the ancient magus bride

The Ancient Magus’ Bride

After being abandoned by her family, Chise Hatori is a 16-year-old teenager without hope.

In order to not have to worry about herself, she sells herself to slavers, only to be purchased by Magus Elias Ainsworth.

There, she is told she will become his apprentice and, in the future, his bride. Together, they work to build a relationship and work to control her own magus powers that will eventually result in her early death.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and The Ancient Magus’ Bride

  • Girl bought as a slave by a powerful mage
  • Mage takes girl home intending to make her a bride someday, as soon as he gets better social skills
  • The pair bond, the girl’s self-esteem is repaired, and the mage learns more about human feelings
  • Both have a balance of romance and intrigue/action in their plot

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and The Ancient Magus’ Bride

  • The Ancient Magus’ Bride follows the woman as the main character rather than the man like An Archdemon’s Dilemma.
  • The Ancient Magus’ Bride works with the magical lore from our world by making that be just an unseen part of the world while An Archdemon’s Dilemma features a fully fictional fantasy world.
  • The girl is an elf and the boy is a human in An Archdemon’s Dilemma while the girl is a human with rare magic and the boy is a… spiritual entity in a mostly human form in The Ancient Magus’ Bride.
  • An Archdemon’s Dilemma is more romance and less plot, The Ancient Magus’ Bride is more plot and less romance.
  • This is no offense to An Archdemon’s Dilemma, but The Ancient Magus’ Bride’s plot is leaps and bounds better in terms of quality, detail, and writing.
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten anime

The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten

After seeing the “angel” of his school, Mahiru Shiina, sitting in the rain, Amane Fujimiya gives her his umbrella and catches a cold because of it.

While he expected her to return the umbrella eventually, he is surprised when she, a girl who is also his neighbor, comes over to take care of him.

Seeing the unsightly state of his apartment, she helps him get that in order and suddenly he finds that she is doing small household task for him every day after school as they spend more time together.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten

  • A pretty average guy falls quickly in love with a shy girl with low self-esteem
  • They essentially live together where the girl cooks, cleans, and looks cute
  • Cute couple moments combined with dealing with complicated feelings, personal traumas, and other drama in the world
  • Essentially, both are romances about men who “save” a woman and they become a couple whose whole prosperity is being cute together.

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten

  • The Angel Next Door is set in modern Japan, not a fantasy world like An Archdemon’s Dilemma.
  • The Angel Next Door is fully a slice of life drama romance, so no intrigue or action like in An Archdemon’s Dilemma.
  • The male main character in The Angel Next Door is a bit colder in personality than Zagan. Not cruel or mean, just a little more emotionally reserved.
taisho maiden fairy tale anime

Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale

After losing his mother and the loss of his dominant hand in a car crash, Tamahiko Shima was exiled by his strict father to an estate in the mountains of Chiba.

Becoming a pessimist and determined to waste away in his uselessness, Tamahiko gets a surprise one night when his father bought a young girl from those who owed him a debt and sent her to live with him as his new bride.

Although he laments her having to marry someone like him, his new betrothed Yuzuki and her wealth of kindness become rehabilitating.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale

  • Man is given a wife that was bought for/by him.
  • The future wife in question is cute, sweet, and good at housework
  • The bar in their relationship is social awkwardness and poor self-esteem
  • Drama comes from events outside the relationship

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale

  • Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale is a historical series set in Taisho Era Japan, meaning there is no magic
  • The wife in Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale isn’t technically a slave, but the differences between a slave and a woman throughout history can be minimal.
  • The one with the low self-esteem in Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale is the male main character while it is the opposite in An Archdemon’s Dilemma.

For Fans of OP Mage Who Lacks Social Skills

wise mans grandchild anime

Wise Man’s Grandchild

After being hit by a truck and killed, a young man was reincarnated into a new world as a baby. He was found and raised by a legendary sage named Merlin and given the name Shin.

However, while Merlin taught him his skills and Shin grew into an extremely powerful mage, living in the forest failed to teach Shin common sense and other people skills.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and Wise Man’s Grandchild

  • Both main characters are wildly overpowered with magic, but wildly underpowered with social skills
  • Both pursue a singular romance that advances
  • Social awkwardness makes up the comedy, but both series do have more action than many romance anime

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and Wise Man’s Grandchild

  • Wise Man’s Grandchild is an isekai anime, though with less of a focus on it than most isekai
  • Wise Man’s Grandchild does that standard “go to magic school” thing as a plot
how not to summon a demon lord anime

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord

In his MMORPG, Takuma boast overwhelming strength and was referred to as the demon king. However, one day he gets summoned to another world, still in the appearance of his character.

There, he discovers two girls that use the same magic he uses to turn others into slaves. However, due to his magic reflect skill, the spell was turned back on them.

Similarities Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and How Not to Summon a Demon Lord

  • Both follow wildly powerful mages/demon lords who are not the best at socializing
  • They are suddenly given an elven slave to love
  • Social awkwardness and slice of life ensure with the occasional moment of quickly ended action

Differences Between An Archdemon’s Dilemma and How Not to Summon a Demon Lord

  • How Not to Summon a Demon Lord is very ecchi focused, and therefor, less wholesome.
  • How Not to Summon a Demon Lord is an isekai rather than just a standard fantasy like An Archdemon’s Dilemma.
  • How Not to Summon a Demon Lord is a three-way romance between a demon lord and the elf girl and cat girl that tries to summon him, enslave him, and who ended up accidentally enslaved to him.

Do you have more anime recommendations like An Archdemon’s Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride? Let fans know in the comments section below.

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