delico's nursery anime

Anime Like Delico’s Nursery

Vampire society has become plagued by a series of serial murders. While the killings seemed unrelated at first, they have been tied together by the discovery of a card left behind at the scene of every crime. These cards all bore the words “True of Vamp,” the name given to the legendary progenitor of all vampires.

The Vlad Agency, a secret intelligence organization, has been assigned to investigate these murders. However, it’s most talented agent, Dali Delico, refuses to lead the task force, choosing instead to raise his children after his wife’s death.

Eventually, Dali is convinced to help, but only if his companions can also balance raising their children with the investigation as well.

Not committing to either child-rearing and being sluggish with the intrigue, this series struggles to endear itself to either side of its audience, but it looks good while trying. If you are looking for more anime recommendations like Delico’s Nursery, head on down below.

Anime Like Delico’s Nursery

For Fans of Men Raising Kids

buddy daddies anime

Buddy Daddies

Kazuki and Rei are roommates that also work as professional mercenaries while they each flee from their grim memories through the dangerous work.

However, while carrying out an assassination on Christmas Eve, their paths cross with four-year-old Miri who traveled to Tokyo by herself, told by her mother who abandoned her to go find her father. Unfortunately for everyone involved, her father was their mark whom they successfully took out.

Now saddled with a small child, this pair of grown men struggle to adjust to being new parents while also balancing it with their dangerous job.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and Buddy Daddies

  • Men raising children, sometimes badly.
  • One main character is quite good with kids. They others? Not so much, but they learn.
  • The male main characters have dangerous jobs, and try to keep their kids out of it.
  • Male main characters have sad backstories
  • Drama, comedy, and action intersect throughout the series

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and Buddy Daddies

  • The child in Buddy Daddies is a happy child and not plagued by various worries like many of the kids in Delico’s Nursery
  • Buddy Daddies, while it has serious and even sad moments of drama, is a more light-hearted series throughout.
  • Buddy Daddies is modern-set following mercenaries who find a kid, try to return it, and end up raising it.
the yakuzas guide to babysitting anime

The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting

Tooru Kirishima is known as the Demon of the Sakuragi crime family due to his overly violent tendencies. Because of his skill and loyalty, he has been selected by the boss of the family for an important job – the job of babysitting the boss’ daughter.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting

  • Men raising children
  • The men are in a dangerous profession, and also quite skilled at what they do
  • Due to the importance of their parents, the children have a bit of mental strain and a lack of parental affection.
  • Kids occasionally trying not so subtly to get their father’s attention and affection.

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting

  • The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting is about a yakuza thug protecting and taking care of the daughter of the boss who keeps her at a distance for safety. So not fantasy like Delico’s Nursery.
  • The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting is more frequently cute and wholesome. Delico’s Nursery is more frequently sinister.
sweetness and lightning cute

Sweetness and Lightning

After the death of his wife, high school math teacher Kouhei Inuzuka is left to care for his young daughter, Tsumugi. He does his best, but his busy schedule and poor culinary skills limit them to eating convenience store food separately.

One day, his daughter expresses an interest to eat together after talking to one of his students in the park, Kotori, who deeply enjoys food. He rushes over to the restaurant owned by the student’s mother, but she is not there.

While Kotori tries her best to cook for them, her skills are lacking. However, together, Inuzuka-sensei, Tsumugi, and Kotori learn to expand their cooking skills.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and Sweetness and Lightning

  • (At least one) single father raising his child
  • Single father tries his best, but sometimes does fail a bit
  • Children occasionally are as naive, innocent, and obnoxious as children should be.

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and Sweetness and Lightning

  • Delico’s Nursery is about sinister intrigue and vampire action. Sweetness and Lightning is about cooking and eating.
  • Sweetness and Lightning is not a supernatural fantasy, just a slice of life food anime with some drama.
  • The children in Sweetness and Lightning aren’t quite so traumatized by parental neglect like in Delico’s Nursery.

For Fans of Sinister Supernatural Mysteries

shadows house anime

Shadows House

The Shadows are a family of nobles who live in their massive mansion. They are pitch black in appearance and emit soot that will linger on everything they touch. In order to effectively display their emotions, each Shadow is given a Living Doll to be their attendant and their face.

This is the tale of cheerful and curious Emilico, a newly created doll, who was given to her more soft-spoken young Shadow, Kate.

While it is promoted that Living Dolls be loyal and unconcerned about trivial matters, Emilico is constantly intrigued by the massive mansion and those that live within.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and Shadows House

  • Many non-humans in a large fancy house
  • Sinister things happening to and around naive, innocent children
  • Mentally unstable children all over the place
  • Everyone dresses like they’re 18th century European aristocrats in their fantasy worlds
  • Slowly unfolding supernatural mystery is the plot

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and Shadows House

  • Shadows House is not vampires, but is making up its own supernatural shadow / soot monster type entity.
  • Shadows House is far more vague with what is initially going on, which does increasing how sinister and menacing everyone and everything feels.
  • They are at least trying to raise children in Delico’s Nursery. Shadows House may actively be trying to kill them.
the main cast of the shiki anime


The fifteen-year-old Megumi Shimizu dreamed of leaving her small country town behind for the big city, but those dreams died when she did.

It was her murder that kicked off a summer of blood and terror in this small town where a city boy and a country doctor try to stop the epidemic of death happening around them.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and Shiki

  • Something sinister is slowly unraveling around the main characters
  • A group of people are trying to figure everything out, and failing.
  • Large cast of characters
  • Large scale murder mystery
  • Supernatural mystery plot

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and Shiki

  • Shiki is about a mysterious string of deaths that start happening in a rural town, and discovering why they keep happening. So it is not the same sort of organization-versus-organization intrigue that Delico’s Nursery has nor is it about raising kids.
  • Shiki doesn’t have much action. It is far more mystery focused.
undead murder farce anime

Undead Murder Farce

In an alternate 19th century, supernatural creatures exist among humans, but have been hunted and persecuted to the point where they have become quite rare.

Tsugaru Shinuchi is an experimental half-oni that has been used by a freak show to destroy the supernatural for the entertainment of the crowd. One night, he is approached by a woman carrying a bird cage containing a severed head. The head introduces herself as Aya Rindo, and asks Tsugaru to help her find and retrieve her immortal body that was stolen from her by a mysterious foreign man.

Leaving Japan for Europe, the trio decide to become detectives who come to be known as, “The Cage User,” investigating supernatural mysteries hoping they might hold clues to the mysterious body thief.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and Undead Murder Farce

  • Main characters hunting down an enemy organization with unclear motives
  • Older, fictionalized European setting
  • Supernatural mysteries and small doses of action
  • Non-human main characters
  • Sinister, menacing atmosphere throughout with just a dash of cute/comical moments.

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and Undead Murder Farce

  • Undead Murder Farce has vampires, but they are only present for one mystery. The main character in Undead Murder Farce are different types of non-humans.
  • Delico’s Nursery is unfolding linearly and unpredictably while Undead Murder Farce is using arc-based mysteries to chase an organization.
the witch and the beast anime

The Witch and the Beast

After being cursed by a witch and vowing to hunt down the culprit, the fiery and feral Guideau joins the Order of Magical Resonance, an order that deals with witches and those who abuse magic.

Paired up with Guideau is the suave and mysterious mage, Ashaf who keeps Guideau’s more violent nature in check. The pair travel the country dealing with a series of magic-related cases while also searching for the unknown witch that cursed Guideau.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and The Witch and the Beast

  • Non-humans hunting non-humans who are the same/similar species, but eviler.
  • Unclear plot that creates a sinister atmosphere, but remains widely unpredictable about what is going to happen next.
  • Supernatural mysteries and action
  • Older European aesthetic fantasy world.

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and The Witch and the Beast

  • The Witch and the Beast is about hunting witches, so not vampires like Delico’s Nursery.
  • The Witch and The Beast has far more action, and goes pretty big with the action scenes.
  • The Witch and The Beast follows, primarily, just a duo.

For Fans of Vampire Intrigue

mars red anime

Mars Red

In 1923, a rise in an illegal artificial blood trade in Tokyo has seen a dramatic rise of vampires in the city. To combat this, Special Forces Unit 16, also known as Code Zero, was established to hunt down these vampires.

Colonel Yoshinobu Maeda has been placed in charge of the unit, tasked with disrupting the artificial blood trade and dispatching of the vampires that are causing havoc. To help him, the unit is staffed with vampires that have fallen under the government thumb.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and Mars Red

  • Government-sponsored organization of vampires handle dangerous vampire problems
  • Group of diverse personalitied men are the main cast
  • Main character with a deceased wife/fiancee due to vampires
  • Sinister and melancholy atmosphere throughout
  • Sinister unfolding intrigue is the plot
  • Both Delico’s Nursery and Mars Red are based on stage plays, and seem to assume you are more familiar with the world than you might actually be.

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and Mars Red

  • Delico’s Nursery is 18th century European aristocracy-themed, Mars Red is 1920s imperial Japanese military-themed.
  • Mars Red follows a human leading a secret squad of vampires who fight vampires that have gone crazy.
  • Mars Red has more action
case study of vanitas anime

The Case Study of Vanitas

Scorned by his vampire peers for being born under a blue moon, it is said that the vampire Vanitas created a powerful grimoire known as the Book of Vanitas that would bring retribution to all crimson moon vampires.

On his way to Paris, Noe is searching for this fabled book. While traveling aboard an airship, he is saved from a vampire attack by an eccentric man that claims to posses the Book of Vanitas and uses it to cure the attacking vampire that was driven rabid by a progressing event afflicting vampires called the Charlatan’s Parade.

Similarities Between Delico’s Nursery and The Case Study of Vanitas

  • Takes place in a society of vampires who enjoy creating an older European aesthetic
  • Building intrigue among the vampire nobility results in illness and death
  • Main characters are fighting against the slowly revealed thing that is going on
  • Eccentric, powerful main character that earns the chagrin and respect of his peers
  • Both inject very sinister moments, but also some very silly ones.
  • Vaguely invites boy’s love shippers with the way the main character interact.

Differences Between Delico’s Nursery and The Case Study of Vanitas

  • The main character in The Case Study of Vanitas is not a vampire, but everyone else is.
  • The Case Study of Vanitas features more action
  • The Case Study of Vanitas is more arc-based in the story it is telling while Delico’s Nursery has a linearly unfolding plot.

Do you have more anime recommendations like Delico’s Nursery? Let fans know in the comments section below.

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