i have a crush at work anime

Anime Like I Have a Crush at Work

Coworkers Yui Mitsuya and Masugu Tateishi, with their constant quarrels, appear to not get along at a glance. However, what most of their coworkers don’t know is that while they didn’t get along at first, they talked things out in private, and ended up getting along so well that they are now dating!

Hoping to keep their personal and professional lives separate, the pair decide to keep their relationship a secret, but hiding the secret—especially when they can’t keep their hands off each other—proves difficult.

Romance between adults acting like cutie pies? I’m here for it. If you are looking for more anime recommendations like I Have a Crush at Work, head on down below.

Anime Like I Have a Crush at Work

For Fans of Workplace Romance

wotakoi anime main couples

Wotakoi – Love is Hard for an Otaku

After discovering they work at the same company, a gaming otaku and a fujoshi rekindle for the first time since middle school.

After some good old-fashioned after work drinks, they decide to start dating, but dating an otaku as an otaku is more difficult that one would think.

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and Wotakoi

  • Two people that work together start dating in or before Episode 1
  • Cute couple moments as two people start getting to know each other on a deeper relationship level
  • Fairly minimal romantic drama

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and Wotakoi

  • Wotakoi puts as much emphasis on its two side couples as it does the main couple.
  • Wotakoi is otaku-themed, so each couple has at least one flavor of nerd in it.
  • I Have a Crush at Work is really focused on the “cute moments” while Wotakoi goes a little deeper in exploring building romantic relationships at the varying stages of those relationships (crush/newly dating/long-term dating) which it does through its three couples.
harumi and futaba drinking in the my senpai is annoying anime

My Senpai is Annoying

At a trading company, junior salesperson Futaba Igarashi has flourished under the guidance of her senpai, Harumi Takeda.

However, while he teases her about her short stature, Igarashi has come to admire Takeda for his reliability in the workplace as their relationship continues to develop.

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and My Senpai is Annoying

  • Workplace romance
  • A man and woman seem to have a contentious relationship, but they actually get along quite well and like each other
  • Cute, comedic slice of life moments in the office and outside of it is the plot
  • Minimal romantic drama

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and My Senpai is Annoying

  • My Senpai is Annoying has two side couples that it puts a decent chunk of emphasis on
  • Romantic progression will be unsatisfying slow when compared to I Have a Crush at Work as the characters are not yet dating or honest with their feelings.
ice guy and his cool female colleague anime

The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague

Himuro and his family are descended from a snow yokai which resulted in his family having a strange power. Whenever he is excited or deep in concentration, it produces a Arctic winds and snow around him.

Finally starting a new job, he meets his cool co-worker Fuyutsuki. She is a calm woman with a stoic personality that always provides him simple solutions to the problems his powers create.

Himuro finds her absolutely adorable and vows to do whatever it takes to win her affections.

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague

  • Two people meet at work and become co-workers where romantic feelings start to bloom between them.
  • Office slice of life and the cute little moments of flirting therein are the plot
  • Minimal romantic drama

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague

  • Romantic progression will be unsatisfying slow when compared to I Have a Crush at Work as the characters are not yet dating or honest with their feelings.
  • Ice Guy takes place in a world where some people are descendants of yokai, so some people have light, fairly useless supernatural abilities that are treated as completely normal.
  • Ice Guy sets up a few side couples in the office that it occasionally puts some focus on
my tiny senpai anime

My Tiny Senpai

Takuma Shinozaki is a young office worker. He finds small moments of enjoyment at his job thanks to his more senior team member, Shiori Katase.

Katase is tiny, cute, and endlessly kind to him. He frequently finds that she is coddling him at work and after a hard day. He hopes she is not just doing it out of obligation as his senpai, but gradually the feelings behind her actions start to come out.

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and My Tiny Senpai

  • A guy has a huge crush on a woman at his office
  • The pair constantly find themselves in compromising situations at work and together outside of it
  • Cute, flirty moments at work is the plot
  • Minimal romantic drama

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and My Tiny Senpai

  • The main couple is not dating in my Tiny Senpai and are still dishonest with their own feelings
  • While not an ecchi series, My Tiny Senpai enjoys lewd-adjacent lingering views on the titular tiny, but large-chested senpai.
servant x service anime

Servant x Service

Servant x Service follows three new civil servants in the city of Mitsuba.

Each character is driven by their own personal motivations, but never-the-less they are encouraged to work hard for the city even if it is a thankless job.

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and Servant X Service

  • People working in an office have romantic connections
  • Character interactions at the office and briefly outside of it is the plot
  • Minimal romantic drama

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and Servant X Service

  • I Have a Crush At Work is very much an office romance anime. Servant X Service is an office anime that has romance in it. It is not fully focused on its romantic sub-plots, but instead, is more slice of work life.
  • Servant X Service has a few side couples
  • Servant X Service focuses more on office work in greater detail

For Fans of Hiding a Secret

365 days to the wedding anime

365 Days to the Wedding

Takuya and Rika are co-workers and desk neighbors at a travel agency in Tokyo. While they work closely to each other, they each have their own fulfilling individual lives as introverts and do not chat much at work.

However, when their company has announced it is opening a new location in Alaska, and non-married co-workers will be among the first considered to transfer there to help set it up, they are both overcome with dread.

Desperate to not have to transfer, Rika approaches Takuya with a plan – they pretend to get married in a year so they can stay in Tokyo. Will they get away with this farce or will this fake relationship turn into something real?

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and 365 Days to the Wedding

  • Office romance between two adult co-workers
  • The co-workers appear to not get along very well, but know and like each other much better in private.
  • They have to hide the true nature of their relationship from their co-workers

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and 365 Days to the Wedding

  • 365 Days to the Wedding is about a fake relationship where the main characters lie about being engaged so they don’t get transferred. They then have to maintain that lie in front of their co-workers and end up developing real romantic feelings.
  • 365 Days to the Wedding features more character/romance drama as the main characters are two different kinds of broken as well as caught up in a lie.
cherry magic anime

Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!

After 30 years of life passed him by, Kiyoshi Adachi discovers that the old saying that if you remain a virgin until you are 30 you will gain magic powers is actually true!

However, instead of anything magnificent, the only power that Adachi has is to read the thoughts of anyone he is touching. Thinking his skill is pretty lame and now wanting to avoid overly crowded places, he trudges on with his newfound burden.

One day, while in a crowded elevator at work, he discovered that his handsome and well-liked co-worker Yuuichi Kurosawa has a major crush on someone in office. Curious and probing further, he discovers that the person Kurosawa has a huge attraction to is none other than him.

Uncomfortable at first, the more time Adachi spends with Kurosawa, the more he begins to appreciate his feelings.

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and Cherry Magic

  • Two co-workers start an office romance
  • They keep their developing romance a secret from others

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and Cherry Magic

  • Cherry Magic is a yaoi romance between two men who work in the same office. The stigma of the same-sex relationship is also a pretty large reason they keep their relationship a secret.
  • Cherry Magic has a slight supernatural element in that once the main character turns 30, he develops the ability to read the minds of people he touches.
  • While Cherry Magic can be just as cute, it has a stronger element of horny in the romance. It is not ecchi, just more sexually driven.
Fudo and Desumi from the Love After World Domination anime sitting on rumble in the moonlight

Love After World Domination

Fudo Aikawa dons the mantle of Gelato Red, leader of a group of protectors that stand against an organization bent on world domination. Desumi Magahara is a fierce warrior in the ranks of that organization.

After first meeting, it was love at first sight for Fudo, and they agreed to go out.

However, their relationship must remain a secret, though that doesn’t mean they can’t make special moments for themselves.

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and Love After World Domination

  • Two people who work contentiously in the same sphere start dating
  • They want to keep their relationship a secret from their co-workers
  • Minimal romance drama
  • Cutely sneaking around and flirting is the plot

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and Love After World Domination

  • Love After World Domination is Power Rangers/Super Sentai themed, and the romance takes place between the red ranger and a villainess working for the evil side.
  • As the situation in Love After World Domination is just slightly more ridiculous than working an office job, it is often more comedy focused.
boarding school Juliet anime

Boarding School Juliet

At the prestigious Dahlia Academy, the Black Dogs and White Cats dorms have a long-standing feud.

However, the leaders of these dorms, Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia, aren’t quite the bitter enemies that they play themselves to be. In fact, they are very much in love, but hide their relationship to keep the peace.

Similarities Between I Have a Crush at Work and Boarding School Juliet

  • Two people who initially didn’t get along have fallen in love and are now dating
  • They have to keep their relationship a secret from others

Differences Between I Have a Crush at Work and Boarding School Juliet

  • Boarding School Juliet follows high schoolers.
  • Boarding School Juliet follows two people at school from two opposing nations. Their separate dorms do not get along, and thus is why they must keep their love a secret
  • Boarding School Juliet, while just as much a rom-com as I Have a Crush At Work, does have more of a plot in that the male main character wants to try to foster a way he can be open with his love eventually.
  • Boarding School Juliet can be a bit more absurd with its comedy.

Do you have more anime recommendations like I Have a Crush at Work? Let fans know in the comments section below.

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