In the 15th century, the Church has firmly established the idea of geocentrism—the idea that the sun revolves around the earth—as God’s truth.
However, there are those who have found compelling evidence of heliocentrism, where the earth appears to be revolving around the sun. While these heretics are dealt with by the church and their inquisitors, there are always those drawn to remaining research and the truth that the night sky itself puts on display.
Well, if nothing else, Orb shows that life is short and brutal in the Middle Ages. If you are looking for more anime recommendations like Orb: On the Movements of the Earth, head on down below.
Anime Like Orb: On the Movements of the Earth
For Fans of Historical Drama

Vinland Saga
Ravaging every land they touch, Vikings have become renowned for their thirst and talent for violence.
Thorfinn, a son of a great Viking warrior, spends his childhood on the battlefield in order to reap his vengeance on his father’s murderer. A man who murdered his family in front of him, plucked him from his home, and now commands him in a band of warriors.
Similarities Between Orb and Vinland Saga
- Historical drama anime about characters in periods of European history
- Thought-provoking, philosophical, mature stories
- Not without action, but not about action.
- Seemingly story-important characters dying suddenly.
- Christianity and various complicated relationships with it
Differences Between Orb and Vinland Saga
- Vinland Saga is about vikings, not medieval serfs and scholars
- Vinland Saga, in its first season at least, does have a fair amount of action. It’s second season falls in line with a far more similar sort of storytelling to Orb.
- Christianity doesn’t play as large of a role in Vinland Saga

Golden Kamuy
After surviving the brutal Russo-Japanese war, Sugimoto gained the nickname “the immortal”. However, he now seeks the promise of gold to the north in Hokkaido in order to provide for the blind wife and infant son of his comrade who died in the war.
Yet, during his hunt, he hears the tale of a hidden stash of gold belonging to criminals with a map made out of human skin. Dismissing it as a tale at first, he soon finds that the man who told him the story has those very same map-like tattoos.
Now on a race with a native Ainu girl whose father was murdered for the gold, they try to make it to the stash before the criminals.
Similarities Between Orb and Golden Kamuy
- Historical drama about a less focused on historical period. (Less focused on in anime, anyway)
- Larger cast of characters that all have various roles to play in the story
- Mature and often serious story with no small amount of pondering
- Maimed, occasionally strange-looking characters that aren’t necessarily eccentric enough to distract from the more realistic portrayal of the time period.
Differences Between Orb and Golden Kamuy
- Golden Kamuy has more action and adventure in the story, and thus it is not so scholarly and meditative.
- Golden Kamuy does take itself seriously most of the time, but when it doesn’t, the comedy is very silly, sometimes jarringly so.

16th century Florence is awash with cultural and creative contributions during the Renaissance. Arte is a young lady from an aristocratic family who wants to contribute to this unique time. However, after her father’s death, she is expected to marry rather than become an artist.
While she defies her family and looks for a mentor, she faces many obstacles in her path, one being that she is a woman.
Similarities Between Orb and Arte
- Historical drama set in European history
- Women in medieval time period having limited rights to certain professions is a large element in the story
- Heroines getting into professions that are male-centric, with difficulty doing so
- Decent focus on the realistic process of the profession that the main characters are doing.
Differences Between Orb and Arte
- Arte is set in Renaissance Italy, and about a woman who wants to be an artist.
- Arte is, by far and wide, more idealistic in its portrayal of a woman doing things that women weren’t allowed to do. So no brutal torture or risk of being burned as a heretic.
For Fans of Stories That Span Long Time Periods

To Your Eternity
One day, an entity, for reasons unknown, threw an orb to Earth. With no emotion or identity, the orb is meant to gather sensations and is able to take the shape of things it encounters as it learns.
For many years, it was a rock, and then it became moss, and when a wolf took its last breath near it, it became the wolf. After wandering for some time, it met a boy. After a long struggle, the boy, too, took his last breath.
With human form, now the orb sets off on his never-ending journey where he will meet many new people and have many new experiences.
Similarities Between Orb and To Your Eternity
- Unique, mature, emotional stories
- Thought-provoking narratives
- A large cast of characters where seemingly important ones die suddenly
- Story spans a longer than usual amount of time
Differences Between Orb and To Your Eternity
- Orb is set in a historical era and is about a real science. To Your Eternity is set in a fully fictional world, but a really well-built one with a lot of detail.
- To Your Eternity develops more of an action element as it goes on
- To Your Eternity is far more focused on trying to make you cry in much of its story.
- To Your Eternity follows an immoral throughout his long life, so the story goes on much longer than Orb.

From The New World
After a small portion of humanity suddenly developed psychokinetic powers, the world underwent a rapid transformation. After 1,000 years of turbulent history where regular humans struggled against those with powers, we focus in on Kamisu 66, a small town where 12-year-old Saki Watanabe finally awakened her powers.
This awakening means she is finally able to join her friends at the Sage Academy. However, things in Saki’s life do not remain as simple as those precious days.
With missing children in the village, rebellious rumblings, and a world steeped in myth and mystery, Saki and her friends are about to face the shocking truths of their peaceful society.
Similarities Between Orb and From the New World
- Characters living and growing in a oppressive society
- Sometimes the pursuit of knowledge and discovering the truth is deadly or has unhappy consequences
- Large cast of compelling, flawed characters
- Separated into different parts by at least one time skip.
Differences Between Orb and From the New World
- From The New World is set in a post-apocalyptic world with big supernatural elements in it
- From The New World is a coming-of-age story, so you are watching the characters grow up.
- There is more of a romance element in From The New World, but it isn’t a focus in the story.
- From The New World has a mature story, but isn’t as thought-provoking in its themes.

Kemono no Souja Erin
In a nation that is threatened by civil war, Erin lives with her mother who tends to the Grand Duke’s powerful war-lizards as a doctor. However, after an incident with the Grand Duke’s favorite war-lizard, Erin’s mother is held responsible.
While trying to save her mother, Erin falls in a river and is swept away to a neighboring region. On her quest to get home, she encounters many different people and learns the harsh truths of her world.
Similarities Between Orb and Kemono no Souja Erin
- Medieval world where persecution and discrimination exist, and characters are punished harshly
- Story spans a long time period
- Mature, thought-provoking narrative
Differences Between Orb and Kemono no Souja Erin
- Kemono no Souja Erin is set in a fantasy world and often about its fantasy profession and elements.
- Kemono no Souja Erin is a coming-of-age story, so while there is some suffering, it quickly balances things out with hope. It is the less mature tale by comparison as well.

Ascendance of a Bookworm
Motosu Urano loves books. She recently got her librarian certification and was about to enter her dream job when an earthquake caused her to be crushed by her collection of books.
She is reincarnated into a new world as the five year old daughter of a soldier. Unfortunately, in this world, books are reserved for the elite nobility.
What do you do when your station in life does not afford you access to books? Make your own.
Similarities Between Orb and Ascendance of a Bookworm
- Medieval world where things are done in the old ways
- Strong emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge, even when that becomes dangerous
- Women with a specific passion towards a profession
- Large cast of characters
- Story spans a longer than average time period
Differences Between Orb and Ascendance of a Bookworm
- Ascendance of a Bookworm is an isekai about a book nerd deciding to make books more accessible in her new fantasy world.
- Ascendance of a Bookworm is not bound by realisim as magic exists in the world, though it portrays the process of making books rather realistically.
- Ascendance of a Bookworm is far more positive in its story and less dire. There isn’t as much danger of being executed for the pursuit of knowledge. This also means that it is also less mature in its storytelling.
For Fans of Passionate About Science and Knowledge

Insomniacs After School
Every night, Ganta Nakami is overtaken by insomnia that leaves him grumpy during the day. However, he happens across the easygoing Isaki Magari from his class sleeping in the Astronomy Club’s abandoned, supposedly haunted observatory. It turns out that she, too, suffers from insomnia and uses this room to sneak away for naps.
While the pair at first agree to share sneaking naps in the observatory, they are soon caught. In order to preserve their beloved nap spot, they persuade the school to let them revive the Astronomy Club where they soon share a growing love for the stars as well as each other.
Similarities Between Orb and Insomniacs After School
- Anime specifically focused on astronomy
- Very whimsically visual with many of the astronomy moments as characters get lost in the vast majesty of the universe via the night sky
Differences Between Orb and Insomniacs After School
- Insomniacs After School is modern-set about a small astronomy club
- Insomniacs After School is, first and foremost, a romance/drama/coming-of-age anime. The astronomy is just the activity to bind the main couple together.
- Insomniacs After School is, as a coming-of-age series, less mature by design.

Dr. Stone
After years of unspoken feelings, Taiju Ooki is about to confess to his crush. However, at that moment, a bright green light engulfs humanity, and suddenly everyone is turned to stone.
Thousands of years later, exactly the right series of events lines up in nature and leads to teenage genius and best friend of Taiju, Senku Ishigami, to be cured.
After using the cure on Taiju, the pair set out to jump-start civilization and save humanity by speeding through all the most useful inventions of human history.
Similarities Between Orb and Dr. Stone
- Anime about science
- Exploring medieval processes and viewpoints, though in different ways and for different reasons
Differences Between Orb and Dr. Stone
- Dr. Stone is about rebuilding civilization through speed-running scientific inventions, but done in a way very akin to a shounen action anime. So more action, more comedy, a lot more energy.
- Dr. Stone isn’t as ponderous or thought-provoking
- Dr. Stone also sports a large cast, but its characters are less complex than Orb

Space Brothers
After spotting what they believe to be a UFO, two brothers, Mutta and Hibito, vow to become astronauts.
Fast forward to their adult years and Mutta’s life isn’t going as expected as he toils in an automotive company while the younger Hibito is well on his way to be the very first Japanese man on the moon.
When Mutta loses his job and is given a chance to catch up to his brother by joining the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, he jumps at the chance.
Similarities Between Orb and Space Brothers
- Anime about space sciences explored in a realistic fashion through characters deeply passionate about it
- Compelling, realistic, flawed characters, and quite a few of them
- A lot of talking, minimal action
- Story steeped in realism
Differences Between Orb and Space Brothers
- Space Brothers is modern-set about a man trying to become an astronaut
- Space Brothers isn’t quite as dire in its story, in that there is no imminent risk of persecution and death. Thus it allows more moments for the likably silly main character to be silly.
- Space Brothers is more about personal and professional growth, so not as philosophical or ponderous about things. It also lacks the strong religious elements that Orb uses.
For Fans of Mature Meditations on Philosophy and Religion

Dr. Kenzou Tenma has the perfect life as one of the world’s most renowned brain surgeons. However, one night he is presented with a doctor’s most painful choice – to save an injured child or the mayor, both mortally wounded.
Against his colleague’s advice, he saves the kid. However, when a series of crimes start happening around him, all evidence points to the child he saved.
Similarities Between Orb and Monster
- Mature, philosophical, thought-provoking stories
- Christianity. Morality. Killing people and wondering if that was right.
- A lot of talking, minimal action
- Large cast of compelling, intriguing, flawed characters
- Set in Europe, and a better than average anime depiction of it
- Main character is in a scientific career
Differences Between Orb and Monster
- Monster is set in early 1990s Europe rather than medieval Europe
- Monster follows a doctor who ends up in a cat and mouse game with a killer that he saved and now feels the need to rectify. So, fully different sort of plot compared to Orb.
- Monster is often more episodic in between its major arcs, Orb has the tighter narrative.

Kino’s Journey
Accompanied by her talking motorcycle, Hermes, Kino travels through her mysterious world, spending only three days and two nights in each town. The idea is that three days is enough to learn almost everything about a place. This is the story of her journey.
Similarities Between Orb and Kino’s Journey
- Mature, philosophical, thought-provoking stories
- Stories are often trying to convey a message on morality, society, and other various topics
Differences Between Orb and Kino’s Journey
- Kino’s Journey is indeed about a journey, and this means it has episodic storytelling rather than the linear narrative of Orb.
- Kino’s Journey follows a girl that dresses like a boy, but it doesn’t have much gender bias on display like Orb does through Jolenta.
- Kino’s Journey is set in a fully fictional world, but uses that to craft its commentary about our world.
Do you have more anime recommendations like Orb: On the Movements of the Earth? Let fans know in the comments section below.