In the world of Yamauchi, the Yatagarasu clan rules over all. The Yatagarasu are those who possess the ability to transform between human and giant crow forms.
Yukiya, a boy serving a minor lord of the Northern House, is chosen to serve the crown prince of the Yatagarasu, a man who is hailed as the Kin’u, a rare-colored Yatagarasu said to hail unprecedented prosperity in the future.
While that crown prince had chased off every other aid, Yukiya and his eccentricity earn his approval. Together, the pair navigate a number of plots put underway in the conspiracy-filled imperial court.
Imperial drama is rare, but not new. Imperial drama about a country of crow people, however. Now that’s a new one! If you are looking for more anime recommendations like Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master, head on down below.
Anime Like Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master
For Fans of Imperial Palace Intrigue Stories

The Apothecary Diaries
Learning to be an apothecary from her father, Maomao honed her skills in the brothels of her town. However, one day she is kidnapped and forced to work as a servant in the rear section of the Imperial Palace that houses the emperor’s consorts.
While trying to stay under the radar until her contract was up, Maomao catches the attention of the emperor’s favorite consort when her skills as an apothecary end up saving the life of the consorts’ baby daughter.
This act leads to her being taken on as the consort’s lady-in-waiting and food taster due to Maomao’s prolific knowledge of both medicine and poisons.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and The Apothecary Diaries
- Intrigue is being put into place in the imperial palace
- The stories are often explored through the servants who are utterly uninvolved in the politics
- Both series follow servants serving high ranking officials
- There is a not-small focus on the concubines/marriage candidates for the emperor
- Both are set in fictional lands strongly inspired by Chinese/Japanese imperial politics.
Differences Between Yatagarasu and The Apothecary Diaries
- Yatagarasu is set in a land of crow people, The Apothecary Diaries is fully without supernatural elements.
- The Apothecary Diaries features a more medical-minded main character who often uses that knowledge to help people. It is just that “helping people” often gets her involved in the intrigue.
- Yatagarasu is more frequently sinister, though The Apothecary Diaries does have its moments.

Ooku – The Inner Chamber
In the Edo period of Japan, a strange disease started in the mountains and rapidly spread across the country. This version of small pox, named the Redface Pox, only infected and killed men.
Within the first years of the outbreak, only one-forth of the male population remained, sending the gender roles of Japan into upheaval.
Whereas men once worked the fields and fished the seas, now women take up the role. Whereas businesses were once passed from father to son, now fathers are forced to leave them to their daughters. Now a rarity, men became coveted by women in order to produce children. Having a husband became a status symbol and men often found coin selling their bodies to women in the same way women once did for men.
This is the tale of the first female Shogun after the dawn of the plague who navigated the turbulent times and set the foundation for an Inner Chamber of male concubines that serve as consorts to the Shogunate.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and Ooku
- Both series follow the intrigues going on in the imperial palace
- Both the intrigue of the ruler and the intrigue of the concubines/marriage candidates is explored.
- Both series serve up fictional worlds inspired by real Chinese/Japanese imperial politics
Differences Between Yatagarasu and Ooku
- Ooku is an alternate history series about a Japan if things had gone differently, not the purely fictional, more supernatural historical fantasy offered in Yatagarasu.
- The prince in Yatagarasu is using all his cunning, the Emperor in Ooku is less so.
- Yatagarasu features more bloodshed, Ooku is more politics

Raven of the Inner Palace
Within the imperial palace, the emperor lives with his consorts. One such woman is the Raven Consort, who does not perform night time duties and remains in solitude.
This Raven Consort, a title currently held by the young Liu Shouxue, is charged with handling spiritual matters brought to her – everything from finding lost items to sending on spirits. It is even said that she can perform curses.
After living her days often undisturbed, she is visited by the young emperor Xia Gaojun, whose visits become even more frequent as the pair bond and she assists him in unraveling the spiritual mysteries of the inner palace.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and Raven of the Inner Palace
- Both series focus on the intrigues of the imperial palace
- Both take place in fully fictional lands inspired by real Chinese/Japanese imperial politics.
- Both inject no small amount of supernatural elements to the fiction
- Both share a love of ravens in the world lore and deify them a bit.
Differences Between Yatagarasu and Raven of the Inner Palace
- Raven of the Inner Palace is about a concubine and her mysterious non-babymaking use to the emperor. She is a concubine that handles spiritual matters and not babies.
- Raven of the Inner Palace has more obvious romance baiting while, since the prince rarely visits the marriage candidates, Yatagarasu does not.
- Raven of the Inner Palace is more flashy spells than actual bloodshed.

The Story of Saiunkoku
Although her family was once nobles, they fell on hard times. Now, with her father making a pittance as an archivist, Shuurei takes odds jobs to make ends meet.
One day, she receives an offer to become the emperor’s consort for a huge sum of money. She accepts in hopes that it could further her own governmental ambitions.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and The Story of Saiunkoku
- Both series follow the various intrigues going on inside an imperial palace.
- Both take place in fully fictional lands inspired by real Chinese/Japanese imperial politics.
- The story is framed through making the emperor’s (or heir’s) favorite aide the main character.
Differences Between Yatagarasu and The Story of Saiunkoku
- Saiunkoku is, first and foremost, a shoujo romance. So it follows a female main character who solves the problems of handsome men and helps the kingdom.
- There is less supernatural in Saiunkoku
- Saiunkoku is more about solving problems than foiling schemes. It also lacks the blood of Yatagarasu.
- Saiunkoku features an emperor rumored to be gay so he doesn’t have to take a wife, so no scheming marriage candidates like in Yatagarasu.
Find Out Where You Can Continue The Yatagarasu Story at Our Sibling Site:

For Fans of Extensive Fantasy World Building

The Twelve Kingdoms
In what started as a normal day as a normal high school student, Nakajima Youko has her reality shattered when a strange man named Keiki appears before her, swearing his allegiance.
When Youko and her friends are attacked by demons, they are pulled into a different world, one she has never known.
Separated from Keiki, Youko and her friends must do whatever they have to in order to survive this strange, harsh place.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and The Twelve Kingdoms
- Both series are set in fully fictional, unique worlds
- Intrigue plots are built around the main character, who is a future ruler
- Interesting cultures, landscapes, and politics all explored over the course of the story
- Mostly political plots with smaller moments of action
Differences Between Yatagarasu and The Twelve Kingdoms
- The Twelve Kingdoms is an isekai, but was an older isekai before the genre became so bogged down by tropes.
- The Twelve Kingdoms features a female main character, and one who is a bit hard to like until she is developed later on.
- For a not-small chunk of The Twelve Kingdoms, the main character is confused and just being defended from plots. The Kin’u is more proactive in his own protection and involved in his schemes.

It is said that a widespread drought is coming to the Shin Yogo Empire, and in order to avoid famine, the reincarnation of the water spirit must be sacrificed in order to prevent it. However, the water spirit is the emperor’s own son.
In effort to save his life, the prince’s mother spirits the boy away with a mysterious female mercenary to protect him until the Emperor reconsiders.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and Moribito
- Fully fictional worlds that are inspired by Chinese/Japanese history
- Both series follow young princes and the people keeping them safe
- The prince’s life is in danger
- Lower action plots focusing on telling a story instead of flashy battles
Differences Between Yatagarasu and Moribito
- Moribito doesn’t have any specific supernatural like the crow people in Yatagarasu, it is more just the lore of the world is seemingly supernatural.
- Moribito follows a young prince who was supposed to be sacrificed whisked away by a female mercenary, so it has a different dynamic than Yatagarasu.
- The prince isn’t quite as actively trying to be killed like the Kin’u in Yatagarasu. In fact, instead of intrigues like Yatagarasu, Moribito is often more coming-of-age storytelling for the prince.

Yona of the Dawn
After having her luxurious life shattered by the betrayal of her cousin, Princess Yona is forced to escape with her childhood friend and bodyguard Son Hak.
However, leaving her palace forces her to see the poverty and strife that really makes up her beloved kingdom.
Now, she must journey to not only regain her rightful throne, but to return her kingdom to its former glory.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and Yona of the Dawn
- Both series set in fully fictional lands inspired by historical Asian Imperial palaces. China/Japan in Yatagarasu while Yona of the Dawn is more Korean.
- Both series follow a young royal and their aides
- There is intrigue in the imperial palace
- Both royals are “people of destiny” foretold in the world’s mythology. (Kin’u, Red dragon)
- Both worlds feature people of animal lineage (Crows, Dragons)
Differences Between Yatagarasu and Yona of the Dawn
- Yona of the Dawn follows a princess forced to flee after her father was killed in a coup. No one is actively trying to kill her like the Kin’u in Yatagarasu, instead she is trying to gather allies to take back the palace.
- Yona of the Dawn is occasionally a shoujo romance where she not only has a love interest, but she is often solving the problems of her reverse harem of dragon allies.
For Fans of Royalty Fending Off Intrigue

The World is Still Beautiful
Within the realms of the Sun Kingdom, it never rains. However, in the Principality of the Rain, the women of the family possess the ability to call upon the rain. So when the Sun King, recent conqueror of the world, Livius I decides to take a wife, it is only natural to pick one of the four princesses from the Principality of the Rain.
Nike Remarcier is the youngest and lost a game to her sisters, so she was chosen to go. Frustrated at her lot, she journeys to the kingdom and is surprised to find that the Sun King is not as scary as they say, and also that he is just a boy.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and The World is Still Beautiful
- Both series follow younger royals
- The royal lead continuously uncovers political plots against them
- The royal marriage plays a large role
- The actual main character of the series is someone who is serving the royal
- Both series are set in fully fantasy lands and governments
Differences Between Yatagarasu and The World is Still Beautiful
- The World is Still Beautiful is a shoujo romance anime. The female main character is his fiancee and she often helps foil plots against him.
- The royal lead is just a boy, but also the emperor in The World is Still Beautiful. This is in contrast to the Kin’u being an adult, but also not yet the emperor in full, just a crown prince.
- The plots are just as deadly in The World is Still Beautiful, but they are a lot less graphic with the bloodshed than Yatagarasu.

The Sacrificial Bride and The King of Beasts
After hundreds of years of war between the kingdom of beasts and the neighboring human kingdom, a peace treaty was signed. The conditions of this treaty say that humans must offer a sacrifice to be devoured by the King of Beasts every year on a particular night.
Sariphi is the latest sacrifice to be sent, adopted by her parents to specifically protect their true-born daughter. Despondent after learning that truth and feeling like she has no home to return back to anyway, Sariphi is fine with dying and unafraid of the King of Beasts.
Intrigued by her lack of fear, the King of Beasts begins to grow closer to her, and when the day of sacrifice comes, he defies his advisors and decides to takes this interesting girl as his wife.
Similarities Between Yatagarasu and The Sacrificial Bride and The King of Beasts
- Both series follow rulers and explore the intrigues against them going on in the palace and kingdom
- Who the ruler will marry plays a large role in the story
- Fantasy worlds featuring animal people
- The occasional bloodier bout of intrigue
Differences Between Yatagarasu and The Sacrificial Bride and The King of Beasts
- Sacrificial Bride is, first and foremost, a shoujo romance. So it follows a female main character who solves everyone’s problems and foils intrigues through that.
- Sacrificial Bride follows the new human wife of the beast king. So the ruler is already married unlike Yatagarasu and the intrigue is spawned by his wife being human, the enemy of beastpeople.
- Sacrificial Bride is often more cheerful and uplifting. Yatagarasu is more sinister and mysterious.
Do you have more anime recommendations like Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master? Let fans know in the comments section below.
It isn’t true that Saiunkoku Monogatari doesn’t have magical elements. The imperial swords, for example.
That’s fair