In 1957, the world witnessed the Federal Republic of Zirnitra’s achievement of sending a living creature, a dog, into space. Since then, they have been in a race to send humanity to the stars with the United Kingdom of Arnack. However, deemed that a dog’s physiology is too different from a human’s, the Federal Republic has decided to perform their next experimental launch with the cursed race of vampires. Despite being taken by force from her home in the mountains, vampire Irina Luminesk is determined to reach from the stars.
Well, I did say I craved more creativity in modern anime, and this is certainly that. If you are looking for more anime recommendations like Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut, then head on down below.
Anime Like Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut
For Fans of Cosmonauts

Space Brothers
After spotting what they believe to be a UFO, two brothers Mutta and Hibito vow to become astronauts. Fast forward to their adult years and Mutta’s life isn’t going as expected as he toils in an automotive company while the younger Hibito is well on his way to be the very first Japanese man on the moon. When Mutta loses his job and is given a chance to catch up to his brother by joining the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, he jumps at the chance.
Despite Irina’s fantasy setting, both series have a fairly similar plot. It follows an astronaut, and a person that helps them. Their companion, too, wanted to go to space, but for one reason or another is regulated to the ground. Space Brothers has that similar passion for space, but is much more grounded in reality.

With space travel an everyday reality and corporations taking over many responsibilities, providing an influx of new jobs, Ai Tanabe is able to satisfy her space-faring ambitions by joining the Technora Corporation. Unfortunately, she finds out that her department, one responsible for removing space debris orbiting Earth, is just a big joke. Regardless, Ai is undeterred in her enthusiasm to make a difference in the great expanse.
Sure, Planetes, being about basically space garbage collectors, is a bit different. However, what both series have in common is their various philosophies about space and what happens when nations pretend claim on it.

Rocket Girls
When Yukari’s father disappeared over the South Seas, she decided to go look for him. However, traveling even as far as the Solomon Islands was difficult for a high school girl. Once there, she is discovered by a Solomon Space Association astronaut who realizes that her small stature might be perfect to launch their rocket into space. He presents her with an offer – become and astronaut, and the space association will help find her father.
Both series follow astronauts that are only astronauts because they fit a specific desired criteria. While not exactly fantasy, Rocket Girls also requires a certain suspension of disbelief to enjoy, but it otherwise a great anime about early space travel.

For Fans of Alternative History Inspired

Saga of Tanya the Evil
Once one of Japan’s most shrewd salarymen, after being pushed in front of a train to his death by a scorned ex-employee, a man is reborn as an adorable orphan girl after pissing off a mysterious being that calls himself God. While the female form and affinity for magic are not a punishment, being born in a world in the midst of a brutal World War is. Now, Tanya uses her calculating mind from her past life and magnificent magical abilities to spread terror on the front lines of the war, becoming one of the most dangerous people in the imperial army. This is all in effort to earn a promotion that will see her safely back to a life of comfort on the back lines, showing up the God that put her in this world for humbling.
If you enjoy that imperial, World War era sort of military attire, Saga of Tanya the Evil is more of that. Furthermore, while it is an isekai, it does mix fantasy and historical-inspired elements into what becomes a pretty unique world.

Astra Lost in Space
Each year, the students of Caird High School are placed in groups for Planet Camp. When group B5 land at their camp site, they are engulfed by a mysterious sphere of light that transports them into the middle of space, 5,000 light years away from home. After discovering an old space ship, they begin their very long journey home.
Not only is Astra similar because it is a space-themed anime series, but it also dips its toes into alternate history as well. In it, it is suggests that the Cuban Missile Crisis kicked off World War III that lead to a massive loss in life and thus fostered society structured in a different direction that lead to their superior space-faring capabilities.

Mars Red
In 1923, a rise in an illegal artificial blood trade in Tokyo has seen a dramatic rise of vampires in the city. To combat this, Special Forces Unit 16, also known as Code Zero, was established to hunt down these vampires. Colonel Yoshinobu Maeda has been placed in charge of the unit, tasked with disrupting the artificial blood trade and dispatching of the vampires that are causing havoc. To help him, the unit is staffed with vampires that have fallen under the government thumb.
Both series follow government agencies that work with vampires. They also both feature the same sort of imperial military aesthetic. The major difference is that Mars Red isn’t about sending a vampire to space, but rather is about vampires hunting vampires for the government. It is more serious and less cute.
For Fans of Inter-Species Relations

Plastic Memories
Tsukasa Mizugaki has failed his college entrance exams, but he manages to land a job at the Sion Artificial Intelligence Corporation. This corporation is responsible for the creation of Giftias, or highly advanced androids which are almost indiscernible from normal humans. However, unlike humans, Giftias have a maximum lifespan of around nine years and four months. Terminal Service One, the station Tsukasa was assigned to, is responsible for collecting Giftias that have met their expiration date, before they lose their memories and become hostile.
While Plastic Memories is a sci-fi series about androids, you get the same sort of relationship between the main characters that you do in Irina. They start off a little chilly, and their bonds warm up over the series. However, Plastic Memories is a touch on the tragic side.

BNA: Brand New Animal
Throughout history, humanity has always been at odds with the beastmen – a race that can change their shape into beasts. The beastmen have all but gone into hiding after extreme discrimination, but Anima City was built to be a self-governing safe haven where they can live without fear. During the towns’ 10th anniversary, Michiru, a human that has recently turned into a tanuki, visits the city in an attempt to find a cure for her sudden transformation. Unfortunately, there is a explosion in the square, and she gets caught up in the event. Together with the white wolf Shirou, the pair look into the explosion and find that there is indeed more to Michiru’s beastification.
While fairly different in plot, what makes these two series feel rather similar is their portrayal of racism. While BNA is more of a mystery, like Irina, there is extreme racism against the beast people.However, both stories focus on the ways that these fantasy creatures are indeed very much like humans.

Monster Musume
With his parents abroad, Kimihito Kurusu is living the quiet alone life. Or rather, he was until an incompetent interspecies exchange coordinator made him the caretakers of a Lamia named Miia. With a supernatural creature now living in his house, it serves to not only break up his peace, but attract other supernatural beings as well.
Irina has a few moments, but if you crave for your monster girls that are managed by a human to be a little more lewd, then Monster Musume is for you. That being said, they are both about human guys caring for monster girls who fall for them due to government orders. So, while Monster Musume lacks the same plot, it features the same overall relationships. They’re just… lewder.
Do you have more anime recommendations like Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut? Let fans know in the comments section below.