Kageyama Shigeo, otherwise known as Mob, is a young psychic with a wide range of blossoming abilities. Despite having this incredible power, he just wants to become friends with Tsubomi, a girl in his class.
Due to negative reactions to his psychic abilities in the past, he now tries to keep them in check. In an effort to learn to better control his abilities, Mob becomes the apprentice to Reigen Arataka, who claims to be a psychic, but is actually a con artist that exploits Mob’s very real powers for money.
At first, it seemed like a gag comedy, but then it surprised everyone by melding in action, intrigue, and some of the most unique animation in the industry – all while never forgetting the comedy that made it likable. If you are looking for more anime recommendations like Mob Psycho 100, head on down below.
Anime Like Mob Psycho 100
For Fans of Psychics

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Saiki Kusou has a wide array of superpowers that include things like telepathy and telekinesis.
He is so overpowered that he could, in fact, conquer the world in just a few days, but Saiki just wants to live a normal life. He dislikes his superpowers and does his best to hide them so he can live peacefully.
It doesn’t go well.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
- Both series follow incredibly powerful psychics
- Both series feature those incredibly powerful psychics trying very hard to live a perfectly normal life, and failing.
- The deadpan main character is offset by all the eccentric, comedic characters around him.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
- Mob Psycho 100 is a legitimate action series at times while Saiki K is just an absurd comedy and slice of life anime.
- Mob is powerful, but not bright. Saiki is powerful AND intelligent.
- Saiki K is a short-form anime with only 5-minute episodes, so it doesn’t have the time to do anything but deadpan absurd comedy. Expect minimal plot and minimal character development when compared to Mob Psycho 100.

One night, an object falls through space and time into the living room of dignified yakuza member Nitta. The object turns out to be a strange girl with psychic powers, but Nitta is reluctant to both take her in and to accept her offer to make use of those powers.
Respecting his decision to not use her as a tool, this girl, named Hina, decides to help him anyway as they begin their life together.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and Hinamatsuri
- Both series follow teenage psychics who start working with shady older men
- Both series wield comedy, particularly exaggerated facial expressions, masterfully.
- Other psychics turn up looking to cause trouble.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and Hinamatsuri
- Mob Psycho 100 is more a supernatural mystery with ample action and comedy. Hinamatsuri is more of a pure comedy with very little actual earnest action.
- Hinamatsuri has more found family themes, although it undercuts wholesome moments with jokes.
- They live together in Hinamatsuri as fake father-daughter while Mob and Reigen have more of a mentor-student relationship.

Haruka Kotoura is a school girl that can read people’s minds. Unfortunately, it has caused her nothing but trouble, eventually causing her parent’s divorce.
After she moves to a new school, she tries to avoid her classmates, but a classmate of hers finds her power not scary, but intriguing.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and Kotoura-san
- Both series follow the daily lives of wildly powerful psychics in school.
- Both main characters would rather not be a psychic due to the negative impact it has had on their life and relationships.
- Over the course of the series, you watch the main characters embrace and accept their powers for what good they can do and forgive what harm they caused.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and Kotoura-san
- Kotoura-san is more of a romantic comedy with coming-of-age themes, so it lacks the occasional action and intrigue that you get in Mob Psycho 100.
- Kotoura-san keeps its focus tight on just one psychic whereas Mob Psycho 100 expands its psychic cast.

For Fans of Stone-Faced Comedic Protagonists

One Punch Man
In order to pursue his childhood dream, the ordinary and unimpressive Saitama trained so hard that his hair fell out. However, his hard work paid off. Now it only takes one punch to defeat most villains in the city.
Unfortunately, beating opponents in one punch is actually pretty boring, but that all changes when a cyborg named Genos, wanting to be his disciple, suggests that they join the Hero Association together.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch Man
- Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch Man share the same author, and it shows.
- Both series follow deadpan main characters who are wildly powerful.
- The main characters meet a partner who will, for the most part, be their companion for the rest of the story.
- Both series offer a similar balance of deadpan comedy and wonderfully animated action.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch Man
- Mob Psycho is about psychics, One Punch Man is about superheroes
- In One Punch Man, the main character Saitama is in the Reigen mentor-type role. So it has a reverse mentor/student set up.
- Mob Psycho 100 is more artistic/ experimental in its art and animation.

Mashle – Muscles and Magic
When a person is born, they bear a distinctive mark on their face that denotes that they have magical abilities. To maintain the magical integrity of the world, those without the mark are swiftly exterminated.
Mash Burnedead was born without a mark or magical ability, but he was taken in by one weak mage and raised away from society in the forest. While he lacks magical skills, Mash has honed his physical strength to superhuman levels by working out everyday.
When Mash was discovered in the forest and his peaceful life was upended, he decides to go to magic school to become a Divine Visionary, a person that the whole world recognizes for their supreme skills, in order to protect his family.
However, while being magic-less in a magic school seems like a pretty indomitable obstacle, Mash’s muscles are capable of feats that seem just like magic.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and Mashle
- Although it does not share an author with Mob Psycho and One Punch Man, Mashle often feels like watching a main character who is Mob and Saitama combined into one person.
- Both series feature emotionally muted main characters with a deadpan face.
- The deadpan nature of the main character is the cause of frustration for many, friend and foe alike.
- Those main characters often have very simple desires. (Cream puffs, Tsubomi)
- Situations are often quickly solved by the overwhelming might of the main character.
- The main character’s older mentor is a bit shady and scummy, but ultimately a good teacher.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and Mashle
- Mashle is a magic-less man in a magic world, Mob Psycho is a powerful psychic in a human world.
- Mashle features a main character whose physical might makes him seem like he is practicing magic, which is in stark contrast to the comical physical weakness of Mob.
- Mashle is often confined to a magic school whereas Mob often does his psychic stuff outside of school.

The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace
800 years ago, as terrifying demons pushed mankind to the brink, they prayed to the gods and called for their aid. Emerging from these prayers, battle deities called Idaten came forth.
With great strength and endurance, they defeated the demons, sealing many of them away. Now, in a long era of peace, the present generation of Idaten have grown soft, save for a spare few that endure the brutal training of Rin, the last Idaten from the demon war.
However, the Zoble Empire seeks to resurrect the demons and it seems these peaceful Idaten must remember their original purpose.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and The Idaten Deities Only Know Peace
- Both series follow the student and their older teacher solving supernatural incidents with their abilities.
- The teachers often treat their powerful students poorly for comedy.
- Every character, even the side cast, is slightly eccentric and a bit weird.
- Both series often seem comedic, right up until they unleash their beautifully animated, fluid action scenes.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and The Idaten Deities Only Know Peace
- Idaten Deities has a more “bored and apathetic” deadpan main character while Mob is more of an emotionally muted deadpan.
- Idaten Deities is a more supernatural and mystical action series about demi-gods fighting demons whereas Mob Psycho 100 is a modern-set, more paranormal-type supernatural.
- Idaten Deities is a better action series than a comedy. Mob Psycho 100 does a better job balancing both.

Haven’t You Heard, I’m Sakamoto
Sophisticated, suave, and handsome, Sakamoto is perfect in every way.
Unfortunately, his sheer perfection provokes everyone from his peers to his teachers to try to trip him up, but they just can’t manage it. However, they just might learn something about themselves along the way.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto
- Both series follow stoic main characters whose apathy attracts the annoyance of others.
- School boys have (or seem to have) supernatural abilities
- Both series offer good deadpan comedy
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto
- Mob Psycho 100 is more a supernatural action anime with an above average amount of comedy. Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto is just a comedy series.
- Sakamoto doesn’t actually have any supernatural capabilities like Mob does.
For Fans of Non-Traditional Coming-of-Age Stories

Ranking of Kings
In this world, kings are ranked based on their power, skill, and how they treat their subjects.
Bojji is the first son and heir of powerful 7th ranking king, Bosse. However, while Bojji is good-natured, he is often mocked as a fool because he is cannot speak and they believe him to be deaf.
While not physically strong either, Bojji has a strength of heart that earns the affection and loyalty of many he crosses paths with, including his most recent friend, a jaded shadow creature who swears to always have Bojji’s back as he tries to become the best future king he can be.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and Ranking of Kings
- Basic, almost childish art styles made stylish by superior animation
- Coming-of-age stories following young, naive characters trying to better themselves.
- Mentors of questionable competence that value money above most other things.
- A young brother who falls to corruption.
- Both series enjoy telling increasingly emotional stories with a particular love for redeeming bad/evil-seeming characters.
- Both main characters have difficulties expressing themselves and their emotions, though for different reasons.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and Ranking of Kings
- Ranking of Kings is a medieval, strongly fairy tale-inspired fantasy world whereas Mob Psycho is a modern-set paranormal story with spirits and psychics. This particularly large difference in setting does lead to a significantly different feel between the series despite all they have in common.
- Mob spends a lot of time with Reigen whereas Bojji is just with his mentor Despa for a training arc before moving on.
- Emotional stories are often the outcome in Mob Psycho whereas Ranking of King seems to have an emotional response as something the story is actively aiming for.
- Mob is emotionally muted. Bojji is actually mute, but full of heart.

After his brother moved to America, Naota was left to his own mundane existence with his grandfather and father in his small town.
However, one day while walking home with Mamimi, his brother’s ex-girlfriend, Naota is hit by a Vespa. Its rider, a crazy pink haired woman, gets off, kisses him, smacks him on the head with her guitar, and then speeds away. This marks the end of Naota’s boring life and the beginning of a never-ending string of weird events.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and FLCL
- Both series start with the adrift main characters having a clandestine meeting with a suspicious older person (Mob/Reigen, Naota/Haruko)
- Coming-of-age themes cleverly hidden in energetic action comedies
- The characters are either the most boring and average in design or incredibly eccentric, it is either extreme when it comes to character designs in both with no in between.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and FLCL
- FLCL is a sci-fi action story while Mob Psycho 100 is a supernatural action story.
- Mob Psycho 100 can move fast at times, but it has a normal flow. By comparison, FLCL moves from scene to scene with a manic pace.
- There are weird moments in Mob Psycho 100, but FLCL is weirder, if not just more difficult to understand.

My Hero Academia
After the sudden appearance of super powers, or “quirks,” now 80 percent of humanity has some kind of power. With some Quirk users turning to crime, it gave rise to super heroes that help the police keep the peace.
Since he was a child, Izuku Midoriya has idolized super heroes, especially the symbol of peace, All Might, but he is devastated to learn that he won’t manifest a Quirk himself. Still, he studies super heroes and is determined to become one.
After a chance encounter with All Might, Midoriya learns that there still may be a chance for him to be a hero after all.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and My Hero Academia
- Both series have strong coming-of-age themes hidden among a more action-focused story
- Both main characters receive a mentor to help them better hone their power
- Both series feature the most fluid and interesting action animation when it comes to their big fights.
- Both series balance out dark moments with frequent comedy and eccentric characters.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and My Hero Academia
- While My Hero Academia has plenty of comedy, it is more obviously an action anime when compared to Mob Psycho 100 which, at first, seemed like a pure comedy.
- My Hero Academia is much longer and filled with more fights.
- My Hero Academia is superhero-themed action while Mob Psycho 100 is more supernatural action.
- The main character in My Hero Academia has a healthy relationship with his more helpful mentor unlike Reigen who has a hands-off approach with Mob due to being a charlatan.
For Fans of Supernatural Action

Jujutsu Kaisen
In order to gain more power, demons search for fragments of the legendary demon Sukuna to consume them.
One day, Yuuji Itadori, who just lost his grandfather, learns of this as he saves his school friends from being consumed by demons after they break the seal on one of the body parts of Sukuna that was at their school.
In order to stand a chance, he eats it, revealing himself as a rare vessel that can utilize and control the curse of Sukuna, meaning when he dies, Sukuna’s curse dies with him.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and Jujutsu Kaisen
- Both series are supernatural action anime
- Both feature well-animated, cinematic action scenes.
- Darker moments are balanced out with lighter slice of life comedy and character eccentricities.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and Jujutsu Kaisen
- Jujutsu Kaisen features more serious drama as well as more frequent action.
- Jujutsu Kaisen isn’t quite as deadpan and absurd with its comedy.
- Jujutsu Kaisen is the darker, more gruesome anime.

There will be times where you may happen across an odd phone number written in red. If you call it, you will get in touch with a young man who introduces himself as the Yato God.
This Yato God is a minor deity and the self-proclaimed God of Delivery. He dreams of having millions of worshipers, but there isn’t a single shrine dedicated to his name. He spends his time doing odd jobs for spare yen until the day his weapon partner deserts him.
Just as things are looking down, he happens across a young school girl that saves him from a car accident by taking the hit for him. She survives, but her soul becomes loose. Together they set out to find a way to tighten her soul back up.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and Noragami
- Both series are supernatural action anime with ample comedy
- The main character gets pulled into the money-fueled schemes of another
- What starts off rather light-hearted grows into a more serious action anime
- Both series feature how spirits and the supernatural interact and intersect with humanity.
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and Noragami
- Noragami is about a normal human girl who befriends a god that is trying to do odd jobs for money to build a shrine to himself. That is not only a different set up, but a different relationship dynamic compared to Mob Psycho 100.
- Noragami’s action feels more like a standard shounen series and is not as fluid or creative as Mob Psycho 100.

Kemono Jihen
A boy nicknamed Dorotabo lives with his aunt in a rural Japanese inn after being abandoned by his parents. One day, a detective that specializes in the occult named Kohachi Inugami arrives from Tokyo.
He is there to investigate mysterious livestock deaths and takes an interest in Dorotabo. The boy ends up helping Inugami and discovers that he is only half human.
Possessing skill at dispatching beast-like entities known as Kemono, Inugami takes him back to work at his agency in Tokyo.
Similarities Between Mob Psycho 100 and Kemono Jihen
- Emotionally stunted boys start working with shady-seeming private investigators.
- Their new jobs ultimately help the main characters expand their social circle
- The jobs working with a private investigator are often the catalysts for action
- Both series feature more childish art that hides stunning, darker moments of action
Differences Between Mob Psycho 100 and Kemono Jihen
- Kemono Jihen is about a demon boy being brought in to work for an investigation agency staffed by other (mostly teenage) demons. So the agency has more staff than Mob Psycho and they are all supernatural instead of a super talented psychic and a grifter.
- Kemono Jihen looks like an average supernatural battler, but the stories it tells are actually kind of dark and messed up, even in the already highly censored anime story.
- Mob Psycho flips between silly comedy and more serious action. By comparison, Kemono Jihen keeps a more serious tone more often.
Do you have more anime recommendations like Mob Psycho 100? Let fans know in the comments section below.