Being an alcoholic isn’t cool, unless you are a fictional anime character. There are a lot of anime characters that drink, but not all of them would be so cool to hang out and knock back a few with. If you’re looking for the hardest drinking, most fun drunks in anime to drink with so you’re not drinking by yourself, then look no further.
Best Anime Characters to Drink With

Aqua from Konosuba
There are many parts of Konosuba that focus on Aqua’s ability to pack a bunch of liquor down. Furthermore, you also see that while drinking, she is the literal life of the party. Unlike other characters that focus on learning battle magic, Aqua would prefer to learn party tricks, which should make for an exciting night.

Mugen from Samurai Champloo
Mugen may be a pretty good swordsman, but he is also a relatively chill dude. When intoxicated (by alcohol or otherwise), Mugen is shown to be a good time sort of guy. However, you also have the security of knowing if someone gets in your face, his wild and unpredictable sword swings can probably best them. Of course, you run the risk of being hit too, if too close.

Kyouraku from Bleach
There’s pounding malt liquor in the back alley and there is sitting in a serene house staring at the garden and sipping sake. You get that classy sort of drinking experience with Kyouraku. Always composed, but also very cool, he lends to a more classy drinking experience.

Jiraiya from Naruto
Okay, so, who wouldn’t like to sit around trading dirty jokes with the pervy sennin himself? Jiraiya is a legendary drunk and everyone knows authors make the best drinking fellows. At least, until they get sad.

Vash from Trigun
Vash is a good drinker, but there is some debate as to whether he can actually get drunk, being a Plant and all. However, he has displayed that he is pretty good at faking it, if true. As a silly guy, Vash gets even sillier when drunk, and drinking with the life of a party is an unforgettable night.

Kitsune from Love Hina
Kitsune is a college student, but she is always presented as more of a party girl, but without the party. She likes to lounge, she likes to drink, and she likes to snack. There is no finer way to spend a night, or every night.

Ryuu from Bartender
You know what they say. You are never drinking alone if you are with your bartender. In that respect, Bartender is the ultimate drinking anime. While Ryuu isn’t so much a drunk, he makes the best cocktails and is ready to listen to your woes.

Revy from Black Lagoon
This one is for professionals only. If you can’t handle your liquor, you can’t hang with her. Furthermore, if you are a beer drinker, you mind as well be drinking water. However, if you meet the qualifications and can stand her generally rude attitude, Revy is more than happy to keep the alcohol flowing.

Kobayashi from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
Everyone needs a drinking buddy to commiserate with, and Kobayashi pre-Dragon Maid would be the ultimate one. Bad day at the office? Go drink it out together and just bitch about everyone. Maybe you’ll even get drunkenly lost on the way home and find your own dragon.

Ban from Seven Deadly Sins
Are you a violent drunk? If so, you might consider not having a drinking buddy, you know, unless they are Ban. As an immortal, you can be as violent as you want to him with no consequence. However, the trade-off is that he’ll probably steal your stuff.

Spike from Cowboy Bebop
If you like to hear wild stories while pounding back a few, as a bounty hunter and ex-gangster, Spike has more than his fair share. Furthermore, Spike generally seems like a pretty chill guy to drink with. Unfortunately, as a chronically broke guy, you’d probably be paying.
Did we miss any more animated drinking partners? Let us know in the comments section below.
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