It’s always the quiet ones. Okay, not always. Sometimes the loud talkers are obnoxious and murderous. However, it is sometimes the quiet ones. They are people of few words, but many knives. They don’t know how to monologue before a fight, but they know how to fight pretty well. If you are looking for deadly anime introverts to be your spirit animal, we’ve collected a handful.
Best Deadly Anime Introverts

Nagisa from Assassination Classroom
Nagisa is perhaps the mascot for quiet and deadly. He didn’t start off that way, but it turns out this mild-mannered child with pain masked behind a smile and pig-tails is a very promising assassin. According to his sensei, he is particularly skilled at hiding his killing intent, which means no one knows they are going to get got until it happens.

Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
Kaneki is proof that everyone has a beast in them. You just need a little torture to bring it out. Initially, Kaneki is a shy, sweet boy who suddenly becomes a ghoul that can only eat human flesh. Even then, he resists his newfound nature. It wasn’t even the ghoul inside him that really made him into a killer, it was man.

Akutagawa from Bungou Stray Dogs
The Internet’s favorite pose of Akutagawa is with his hand over his mouth. Fitting, considering his is a quiet rage. As a social Darwinist who believes only the strong should survive, his deadly murderous overcoat and his vicious nature make him a pretty successful mafia member without him having to yell about how strong he is all the time.

Mikasa from Attack on Titan
Mikasa is the kind of woman you want on your side. She has had the same crush since she was a child, a full set of rock-hard abs, and will follow her love literally anywhere. What makes Mikasa truly special is, though she is a woman of few words, she is one of the stronger characters. Strong than even the main character for a long while.

Levi from Attack on Titan
Stoicism must run in the family, because Levi, like Mikasa is a man of few words and incredible power.

Tomoe from Sailor Moon
One would not expect good ol’ Sailor Saturn to have the ability to destroy whole planets, but here we are. She is incredibly timid, but probably one of the most powerful people in the universe.

Tomioka from Demon Slayer
You know, Tomioka’s stoicism almost makes him a boring character, but he is pretty relatable. He is quiet because he has trouble relating to others and feels incredibly inferior to others. Regardless, he is also a Hashira, and that doesn’t come from being no casual demon slayer.

Mob From Mob Psycho 100
Why even be one of the most powerful psychics in the world if you aren’t going to brag about it? Well, whatever. That’s what Mob is. He is even pretty quiet about his personal problems as well, being a guy that very much dwells in his own mind.

Hinata from Naruto
Of all the characters in Naruto, you probably hear Hinata say the least. She doesn’t often have a lot to say beside the occasional “Naruto-kun,” lest she forget whom she loves. However, even as one of the worst inheritors of the Byakugan, her skills in battle are still pretty dangerous.

Shinichi from Parasyte
You don’t get to see much of him before, but it is safe to assume that Shinichi was still the quiet kid in class before his right hand was replaced with an alien that couldn’t invade his full body. What we do see is a kid who lives in constant fear his hand will tell him that aliens are near, aliens that will try to kill him if they find out he still retains his human mind. While Migi definitely does most of the violence, Shinichi by the end is pretty badass himself.

Sheele from Akame ga Kill
One could say Akame herself fits this trope pretty well, but I find Sheele a more interesting case. She is cheerful and clumsy most of the time, friendly enough but not as boisterous as her other comrades. Yet, when it is go time, she changes, becoming cold as steel, almost to an uncaring degree.

Mikaido from Durarara
Mikaido is played as the little kid moving to the big city initially. He isn’t particularly chatty, but he definitely leads a different life online. The thing you need to know about Mikaido without spoiling pretty much half of the show is that he is very much an adrenaline junkie behind that mild-mannered face.

Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho
Your classic bishounen boy, Kurama is all silent charm and attractiveness. He is also an even more bishounen fox demon, but either personality is the quiet cool type who rips people to pieces with a rose whip.

Rinne from Vivid Strike
A classic story, Rinne was viciously bullied by her female classmates. She endured it until their antics prevented her from being there at a particularly important moment. She retaliated with overwhelming violence. The event showed her a skilled fighter for the rest of the show, but the event left her even more aloof.
Do you have more silent but deadly anime introverts? Let fans know in the comments section below.