It feels weird to base an entire list around a slang term, but sometimes, you just see an anime character and the only way to describe them is with said term.
I don’t even know where the term came from. It just pervaded the internet enough to find its way into my vocabulary. But you didn’t come here for a definition or a slang history lesson, though. You came here for those basic anime characters who drop everything and lick the shoes of the person of their affection, even if – No, especially if – they don’t deserve it.
Best Anime Simps

Kanai from Scum’s Wish
To be frank, Scum’s Wish is awash with simps, what with it being an anime about terrible people all in one-sided infatuation with other people, but none are bigger than Kanai. He’s a nice enough school teacher, and one decent enough to not sleep with his students. However, the same cannot be said for the female teacher he falls in love with, who sleeps with anything with a pair of pendulous nads hanging betwixt their legs. She cheats on him all the time, he even knows about it, and he still fervently wants her to marry him. Although resisting at first, she came around in the end, but as a wise contemporary poet once said, “you can’t turn a ho into a housewife.” She even says as much herself, but not quite so eloquently.

Spear Hero Motoyasu from The Rising of the Shield Hero
Handsome guys come in only two flavors in non-romance anime, unrepentant playboy or dumb simp. Unfortunately for the spear hero, he is the latter. Myne, or as I like to call her, “the bitch hero,” plays him like a full deck of cards in a game of euchre. Now, to his credit, she is good at the game, but he overlooks a lot. Even when her deception is exposed, he’s still there to lick dirt off her shoes.

Kazuya from Rent-a-Girlfriend
I get being lonely. I even get renting some companionship for a night every once in awhile. However, when you find yourself renting out multiple girls damn near every night, you’ve become a simp. This anime may suggest that at least one will eventually stay, but that’s why its a work of fiction. Of course, even before he started renting affection, you knew Kazuya was straight simping by the way he lets Mami hook him along.

Subaru from Re:Zero
You how sometimes people ask if you would jump off a bridge if others were doing it to shame you for being a follower? Well, Subaru is kind of like that. If Emilia told him to jump off a bridge, he would swan dive head first off that bridge and into a dry creek bed. That’s how much he simps.
The funny thing is, Emilia was pretty much one of the first people he met in his new isekai world, and he fell hard for her. He would do anything for her, and that’s not a bad place to be, but only if the other person would do the same. Emilia probably would not.
And you know what? In this world of equal opportunity, girls can be simps too. Rem, girl, you can do better.

Sakura from Naruto
On the topic of female simps, you simply can’t not mention Sakura. I mean, I guess she won in the end. She got him. She got Sasuke and his baby batter. He ran away, became a terrorist, was only brought home by his true love, and married her because I guess she swung that baby lasso and finally caught herself a man. That’s all that can be said since you don’t really see their relationship develop in any meaningful way except for her affection that is, apparently, strong enough for the both of them.
Since I could probably fill a whole list with big simping Naruto characters, probably ought to just tack on Jiraiya and Obito here too. Jiraiya, to be your fair, is your standard tail chasing old man, but at least he didn’t start a full of bloody war in his simpitutde like Obito did.

Griffith from Berserk
Imagine, if you can muster the energy, simping so hard for one of your biggest most well-muscled warriors, that you bring about the apocalypse, kill most of your shared friends, and remake the world. To be fair, he basically uses this to get over their break up which, good for him, but its just… Bad for most everyone else.

Sanji from One Piece
It’s who you all came here to see, knowing full well you’d see it. I almost wanted to leave him off to cause riots in the street, honestly. Regardless, Sanji is a character you can sling simp at from a mile away. His quest for trim is his personality, and unlike some other characters, this simp isn’t entirely bad at it either. Papa didn’t beat no fool though, Sanji, while hopeful and occasionally fooled by the women he is trying to chase, is surprisingly skeptical of their motives.

Miroku from Inuyasha
While Sanji is a notorious simp, Miroku is still the OG simp in terms of men whose whole personality is chasing tail. Of course, unlike Sanji, he’s extra bad at it. It’s really his opener that kills his shot. You see, when you ask every woman if they will bear your child, it isn’t exactly a great leg opener. You could argue it worked eventually on one girl, but I would counter that they spent enough time together to form a meaningful relationship.

Zenitsu from Demon Slayer
You’ve got Sanji, you got Miroku, and now you have their modern popular anime equivalent – Zenitsu. Blonde like Sanji and always asking for girls to marry him like Miroku, Zenitsu sets himself apart with the less admirable trait of habitual cowardice. It makes him an annoying character in many instances, but does make for admittedly better payoff when you see him throw hands. However, we’re not here to talk about how cool Zenitsu can be, we’re here to simply call him a simp.

Mikasa from Attack on Titan
Mikasa is the worst of the female simps because she is, in fact, the most consistent of them. There is no moment in the series where she’s like, “Eren? That dweeb? No way, hate him.” All because he wrapped a scarf around that neck as a kid. Is that admirable loyalty or pathetic simping? It’s a shame, too. Mikasa and those abs could have chopped down a forest full of wood (and/or bush!) if she didn’t have those simp blinders on.

Bam from Tower of God
So the entire the reason Bam began to climb the tower in the first place was to follow Rachel, who left him. She then betrays him when he encounters her next. He then understandably keeps climbing to find her again and understand why she did that. Then they meet again and she continues to try and deceive him. Thankfully, he grows a bit and his simping dies down, but it really is a case of “once a simp, always a simp” when it comes to Rachel.

Mineta from My Hero Academia
Mineta has a simple job – bring levity to an occasionally heavy world. He’s kind of bad at it though, and My Hero Academia has plenty of levity in its other light moments and breather arcs. This bundle of sticky sacks does his best to provide comic relief by simping with the best of them. The rare heroic moments on his part are often overshadowed by his voracious need for anything female. Unfortunately for him, he’s a short pervy guy that is literally surrounded by handsome heroic normal-acting men. The odds are not in his favor.

Nishinoya and Tanaka from Haikyuu
It’s a two-fer, a terrible two-fer! Both merit the mention because they simp for the same girl relentlessly. They both have affection for their team manager, Kiyoko. Nishinoya lays on the flirt and gets a slap for his efforts while Tanaka full-on proposes the first time they meet. Interestingly enough, one of them does indeed win her due to his relentless dedication. I guess one of these simps was a bit of a giver-upper, but I’ll let you find out which.

Usui from Class President is a Maid
Romance anime is kind of filled with simp characters, but having at least one character being really into another character – or two characters really into each other – is kind of the point, isn’t it? Still, it is worth putting at least one on here, and you can just call Usui Neo now, because he is indeed, the one.
Anyway, Usui seems quite the playboy, but he only really simps for Misaki by doing the most natural thing to woo a woman – stalking her at her part-time job incessantly. You know the strange thing about this anime? Misaki doesn’t exactly seem very into him for about three-fourths of the anime series. It makes for a weird romance when only one party is doing the romancing, and not particularly well.

Brock from Pokemon
Finally, time for the true OG simp from all of our childhoods. Before it was even a word, Brock probably taught a whole generation of simps how to froth at the mouth whenever something sufficiently female walked past. Of course, while he was handsome enough by Pokemon character standards, his game was pretty weak.
Guys, before you get all mad, I was just having some fun. I like to do that with my articles from time to time in order to stay sane. However, that doesn’t make what I said any less true. Bearing that in mind, let me know some of the characters you think are big simpping in the comments section below.
Griffith and Usui shouldn’t be here, one the craziest thing he did was fight his beloved one so he wouldn’t leave him and get into a forbidden romance with a princess (okey, that’s still pretty bad), but the whole Eclipse thing was for his own gains and dreams, and the other one was just really into a girl, I don’t even know if it counts as stalking, and she liked him basically from the get go, it’s just that she didn’t want to accept her nor show it.