You know what they say, the face says it all. Nowhere is that more true in the expansively creative realms of anime. While some shows go for a more realistic approach, there are so many others that make full use of the creative flexibilities that come with animation. If you are looking with shows that have an abundance of silly faces to entice those giggles from the dark shadows of your soul, then give these anime recommendations a try.
Best Anime Facial Expressions

Asobi Asobase
As a relatively new series, if you look at the plot or even a few promo screenshots, you might give this show a pass as another cute girl slice of life show. While it is cute and slice of life, it is also very much a comedy show. Much of the comedy in it, in fact, comes from the facial expressions. There is some excessively intense ones inside that are set off by the otherwise pastel palate soft nature of the show in general.

This show became beloved not so much by the character or the flimsy plot, but for the comedy of it all. The perfect exclamation point to many of the jokes was actually the facial expressions used. You would think a middle schooler working in a bar that was just walked into by her teacher wouldn’t be a funny moment, but it sure is with the right horrified facial expression.

My Hero Academia
This series has risen to the lofty heights of popularity due to its intense and flashy fights that happen later in the series. However, I believe one of the hooks for many fans early on was Deku’s silly facial expression. Unfortunately, they taper off as the series goes on, but there are still a few hilarious ones smattered in here and there.

The lion’s share of creative facial expressions in Gintama come from Gintoki himself, but the other characters join in on occasion too. As the show does a lot of parody, you may see some familiar facial expressions. However, some of the other ones are practically artwork in and of themselves.

One Piece
I feel a lot of the reason so many people can’t get into One Piece (aside from the high time commitment that comes with catching up) is the artwork. You can tell immediately that they aren’t normal characters. Everyone seems to be made of a certain amount of rubber (like Luffy himself) when it comes to how they express themselves. Shock, surprise, perversion – they are all done in a way to add some sometimes much needed levity to the series.

Great Teacher Onizuka
Onizuka is both a comedy and a dramatic slice of life show. However, even in the most dramatic moments, Onizuka can still get a few laughs with some of the most memorable expressions in anime. While they rely heavily on the Japanese face, the way it contorts and scrunches itself proves that sometimes facial expressions can be both over the top and realistic.

A lot of Watamote is about being very uncomfortable with what you are watching, whether it is because of sheer awkwardness or because it hits too close to home. However, while they are finely crafting that awkward atmosphere, they often rely on the facial expressions to do so in a variety of different and sometimes surprising ways.

The art in Nichijou is very simple. So simple that one could be forgiven for mistaking it for a flash animation at times. However, simplicity works in its favor. Sometimes a simple facial expression can say a lot. However, the most effective comedy tool it has outside of randomness is when it switches from simple to highly realistic facial expressions. It makes and impact, and does so in a good way.

My Bride is a Mermaid
While it doesn’t have the most original facial expressions, I believe points must be given for using a lot of different expressions in a show. Make no mistake, while you may have seen similar silly expressions before, they are still used in a highly effective way in what is, undoubtedly, one of the best comedies you haven’t watch yet.

Grand Blue
Like Asobi Asobase, Grand Blue is a new kid on the block with its anime series, but while its great facial expressions aren’t as unexpected, they are just as effective. While it uses them for some good jokes, many of the best facial expressions of the show are used to give it a certain intensity, and that can work just as well for comedy if used in the right moments.

Golden Kamuy
Considering how serious Golden Kamuy starts, you probably wouldn’t expect any funny stuff as you get further in. However, for as useful as Asirpa is to the series, she is also used as comedic relief with her face. She is one of the least expected characters to do so, but she makes some great faces.
Do you know more anime series that make great use of facial expressions? Let us know in the comments section below.