I’m only a little sorry about the title.
Anyway, ecchi and horror is a heady and rather uncommon combination. However, anime series that wedge ecchi right inside that horror genre like a fist in a puppet are not so uncommon that one cannot make a list out of them.
If you are part of the rare breed that likes to be as scared as you are aroused, here are a few anime recommendations that try to put the sexy into what should be scary.
Best Ecchi Horror Anime

Mieruko-chan is about a girl that can suddenly see ghosts all around her. No, not those gorgeous, lovable Dusk Maiden of Amnesia sort of ghosts, but horrific, deformed, legitimately terrifying ghosts. Much of the show is about her just trying to pretend like she doesn’t see them, but not one person expected the often used ecchi moments in the show. The frequent panty lines and boob squishes really kind of take away from the horror, but something tells me that no one was trying to actually scare anyone with this series.

It isn’t the skin tight bondage uniforms in Gantz that makes it ecchi, but they certainly help. It is the fact that Hiroya Oku suffers from a terminal case of horny. In Gantz (and all his series) his female characters can only be described as “boobilicious,” and in Gantz in particular, they end up naked more often than you might expect. Considering that it frequently cycles in new characters by killing off the vast majority in a brutal forced alien hunt, Gantz really highlights how hot and bothered the threat of imminent death can make you.

Ecchi in horror anime isn’t exactly common enough for people to question why it is in a horror anime, but Gleipnir is the series that made people ask the question – does this sexiness take away from the series? Maybe a bit, but if we are really honest with ourselves, Gleipnir has other problems that detract from the series. Anyway, a boy wakes up transformed into a giant mascot monster and eventually people with similar, yet not mascot-based powers are all trying to kill him and each other. The ecchi bit here is that the non-powered female companion can climb up all inside him, like a fleshy, meaty, moist mech. Of course, she does so naked and makes a number of moans, too.

High School of the Dead
If “scaroused” is the fictional adjective you wish to describe yourself as, then High School of the Dead is probably the best anime to make that happen. It is a series that discovered something The Walking Dead never could – how to bring sexy to the zombie apocalypse. One minute they are running away with the great fear of death nipping at their heels, and the next minute some big busty beauty is making dinner in nothing but an apron. It is an experience, and not exactly a bad one.

Survival games are no stranger to taking the time out of people trying to kill each other in order to have them be lewded up. Btooom takes probably the most frequent breaks for that. Poor, poor Himiko. Her whole character can really be boiled down to not wanting to be sexually assaulted in a killing game. There are attempts frequently.

School Days
School Days isn’t an ecchi anime with a lot of bare flesh. The characters are far too moe for that to work. No, no. Instead, the main character just goes on a bit of a slut spree and sleeps with literally every female character he has ever met. That doesn’t sound like something that ends up being classified as horror, but things take teeny-tiny sudden U-turn towards the crazy and a people get graphically mutilated by the end.

High Rise Invasion
Like Btooom, High Rise Invasion is another survival game that isn’t afraid to enhance the desire to not die with a little shiny flesh. In fact, one character gets her shirt ripped open, and lets it just kind of stay that way for the rest of the series. Sure, she is wearing a bra and is closer to plank than a voluptuous topiary, but still –
Girl, put your tits away.
Other than that, there are plenty of panty shots and other cheeky little ecchi moments to, and I can only speculate here, undercut the seriousness of their situation.

Devilman Crybaby
Unlike many of the series here that were probably going for intentionally ecchi as comedy in their horror anime, Devilman Crybaby doesn’t use T&A as a replacement for clever jokes. It is a series about demons, and that means a lot of graphic violence and the occasional graphic orgy. The combination of which becomes quintessential to this genre. I never knew I could watch things be so lewd then get stunned to silence by graphic dismembering.

Elfen Lied
This is another unintentionally sexy horror series. It’s not like they ecchi-fied Lucy or really anyone else, but they do end up naked often enough not to take notice. I mean, the first scene is her walking around naked and murdering people with fierce looks (and Diclonius mind powers, I guess). That’s the most notable ecchi moments, but there are a few other intentionally sexy moments in this rapid murderfest.

Perhaps the most horrifying thing about Tokkou is the animation quality, but if you can look past that, it loves to get its female characters as naked as the day they were born. It then likes to give them swords and spray blood as if it were other bodily fluids in a hentai. To be extremely fair, Tokkou was actually a really solid manga that deserved a better adaptation than it got, but if nothing else, the anime keeps the graphic-ness of it.

Pupa is, quite honestly, a bit of a failure as a series for a number of reasons, but like there is a lid for every pot, there has to be someone out there that loves Pupa for what it is. Anyway, the series is about a brother-sister duo who, due to a virus, has the sister become an insatiable flesh-eater and the brother gets incredible regeneration abilities. So, to keep his sister from being unleashed on the world, he lets her eat him over and over again. It’s a lot of squelching noises and moaning.
Do you have more anime recommendations that you think fit the extremely niche category of scary and sexy? Let fans know in the comments section below.