She is beauty and she is grace, she is sometimes laughing right in your face. The ojou-sama, or proper young lady archetype, is one widely utilized in anime. In some cases, she is everything a well-bred young lady should be. She is the epitome of kindness to others and would never stoop to anything uncouth that may undermined her family’s reputation. Of course, there is also the other side of the ojou-sama coin where being raised in wealth has made her a bit high and mighty, and she lets you know it. She may look down her nose at others and lash out when they step over the mysterious invisible line she has drawn for them.
Regardless of which type of ojou character has captured you’re heart, we’ve gathered up a mighty list of elegant and wealthy young ladies in anime.
Best Anime Oujo Ladies

Reika Ryuuzaki from Aim for the Ace
Why start with this ancient tennis series? Because Reika is one of the very first ojou characters you will see in anime. She is the wealthy and privileged rival of the hard-working protagonist who eventually warms up to her. If you prefer something less about tennis, her character and indeed much of this series is parodied seriously in the mecha classic Gunbuster.

Erina Nakiri from Food Wars
Erina is the daughter of a prestigious family in Japan’s food industry. What’s more, she posses a perfect palate which makes her sense of taste indisputable. While she was raised in wealth and given every privilege, her life on top has been a lonely one. At first she looks down on the upstart main character that came crashing into her prestigious school, but over time, her icy exterior melts.

Kaguya Shinomiya from Kaguya-sama: Love is War
This whole series is about two people trying to get the other to confess. They both view a confession of love as akin to losing to the other. While Kaguya looks to be the pinnacle of the ojou, you will find a softer side comes out throughout the series as she enjoys more normal activities that her father would forbid her from doing.

Satsuki Kiryuuin from Kill La Kill
Satsuki takes the power of a student council president to the extreme and rules her school with an iron fist. She even wholly humbles the main character when she comes to the school looking for answers about her father. However, she may not be as nefarious as you think.

Sayaka Saeki from Bloom Into You
Girl’s love has a long love affair with pairing up one straight-laced and proper girl with someone less formal, but not so in this case. Sayaka is limited to best friend who is actually in love with her friend. Things will only end poorly for her love life, but she carries herself with dignity, unless you get on her bad side.

Tomoyo Daidouji from Cardcaptor Sakura
Tomoyo plays the role of dutiful best friend in Cardcaptor Sakura. When she discovers that her best friend has become a Cardcaptor, she is always there to support her with kindness and cover for her newfound secret identity. In a cast of rather energetic characters, she is the air of refinement to the series.

Akira Oono from High Score Girl
Akira Oono is raised as the heiress to a powerful and wealthy family. As a way to take a break from her strict schedule and high familial pressure, she started sneaking away to play arcade games. There she meets a fellow gamer that would make her life a little easier to endure. Since Akira doesn’t speak in the series much, her character development is often told by others around her like her chatty gaming friend and later lover interest or her more flippant older sister.

Many Characters in The Familiar of Zero
While The Familiar of Zero is about magicians at a school, it is a very prestigious school. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean ojou-type characters, but here it does. Even the main lead, Louise, who sucks at magic, carries herself like a more prestigious young lady than she actually is as a tsundere. Get ready to see tons of women all looking down on each other and especially, Saito, the commoner that gets summoned there.

Tsumugi Kotobuki from K-On
While some ojou’s are vicious, Tsumugi is the picture of sweetness. She is everything the idea of an ojou-sama demands. She is kind to everyone and gentle in everything she does. Of course her family is wildly wealthy, and when she is in the club room, she is always ready to make tea and serve sweets.

Most Characters From Maria Watches Over Us
This girl’s love series takes place fully at a very prestigious all-girls school. As these things go, of course the main character is the one normal girl at this school of ojou’s. Prepare for her to get preyed on, bullied, and, of course, fall in love.

Mawata and Mayune from Pretear
Pretear is a bit of a Cinderella story with a twist. One of the ways it doesn’t twist is with the evil stepsister trope. Their not actually “evil,” though. They are both ojou’s, but of different types. One with spoiled and bratty to her sister while the other is proper, but aloof and lonely.

Nagi Sanzenin From Hayate The Combat Butler
It is a pretty good bet that if a series has some butlers, there will be an ojou somewhere in there. Hayate the Combat Butler is a more shounen spin on this where he is guarding his tsundere ojou, Nagi. While she is more a spoiled brat type ojou at first, like any tsundere, warms over time.

Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Nanami is the dedicated little sister to one of the antagonists in the Utena series. As she little sister to the student council president, she rules the school like she is a queen. Like any ojou with a handsome and talented older brother, of course he has a pretty unhealthy obsession with him as well.

Renge Houshakuji from Ouran High School Host Club
Although Ouran High School Host Club takes place in a high school for the very wealthy, it is more the comedy romance than a dramatic one. Renge is part of that comedy. She became so enamored with one of the boys in the host club, she transferred to that school from overseas. Being shot down by him, she settles for being the manager of the host club. She is a kinder sort of ojou, but has mastered the “Ohohoho” laugh.

Isabella Yamamoto from Paradise Kiss
There’s a lot of fashionable people in this fashion-based romance drama, but there are none more elegant than Isabella. However, there is a twist to this ojou in that before she could become her true self, she was trapped in the body of a man.

Shiraishi Kobuchizawa from A Place Further Than The Universe
Women raised in a certain amount of privileged are expected to be leaders to a degree. What better leader could there be than a girl so determined to go to Antarctica to look for her mother that she inspires others to go with her. While Shiraishi is dignified in speech, she can be the silliest among the group at times.

Chitanda from Hyouka
Chitanda comes from one of the wealthier families in her small town, and is often bound by traditions. She is kind, gentle, and well-spoken, but knows that her actions reflect back on her family greatly. It controls her actions in many respects, but can’t control her boundless curiosity.

Yase from Kyousou Giga
Being created from a picture of a demon, Yase, in her younger years, acted as such. As she grew older, she grew more into a role of a spoiled ojou who hosts tea parties and always gets her way in the end.

Most Women in Hana Yori Dango
Hana Yori Dango is about a dirt poor girl going to a super wealthy school and becoming the target of the four richest boys who rule that school. At first it is bullying, then it turns to love. As you can imagine, this leads her to several ojou-type characters with varying degrees of disdain or at least indifference for her.

Aoi Sakuraba from Ai Yori Aoshi
Aoi is the picture perfect idea of the proper Japanese woman in everything from attitude to her dress. She is dutiful to the man she loves and supports him in all things. However, she was raised in wealth, and it shows in her adjustment to living like a common person.

Kyoka Kanejo from B Gata H Kei
A rich transfer from America, Kyoka has high expectations of herself. She wants to be perfect at everything, so when she loses to the main character in a pageant, she vows to crush her. This spoiled ojou also comes with an unhealthy attachment to her handsome older brother.

Takami “Komo” Komoda from Bokurano
If you don’t mind kids dying in a miserable struggle for the fate of Earth, Komo brings that ojou class to the story. She maintains herself as a more aloof type of girl compared to her peers, but not necessarily because she thinks that she is better than them. In fact, her family’s wealth and expectations seems to make it difficult to connect with others for her.

Chikane Himemiya from Destiny of The Shrine Maiden
Continuing on with tragic ojou’s. Chikane plays her role with grace in this girl’s love series. She shares that main character limelight, but the ojou veneer of her fades as the series goes on. It’s a tragic romance because things end sadly, and their relationship is often… problematic.

Ayumi Himekawa from Glass Mask
Glass Mask follows two actresses tying to make it to the stage. Maya, a girl from poverty, struggles to make her dreams come true. Her rival for the series is Ayumi. She is a girl that was raised in wealth and not used to failure. However, she also maintains her dignity in that she doesn’t want to use her family’s connections to make her dreams come true.

Saya Takagi from High School of the Dead
Times are tough for a lot of ojou’s on this list, but probably none more so than Saya. She is a wealthy girl who finds herself struggling to survive in the zombie apocalypse. Of course, as a spoiled ojou type, she gets a fair bit of character punishment in the series, and because this series is rather lewd, it is often lewd punishment.

Reiko Arisugawa (and Others) From Shomin Sample
Like other series on this list, Shomin Sample takes place as a wildly prestigious school for wealthy women. While you could reasonably say that every female character in the series is a form of ojou, Reiko is the most exemplary example by being the epitome of all that is proper.

Miyuki Shiba from The Irregular at Magic High School
Miyuki is, rather literally, bred for perfection. Not just in her magic abilities, but in her appearance as well. However, while she bears great expectations, she is kind and beloved by just about everyone she meets. As with many ojou’s, she also has an unhealthy attachment to her brother.

The Ladies in Ladies Versus Butlers
While this sounds like an action title, it would be more accurate to call it a harem title. The series is based around the main character entering a school that educates young ladies as well as future butlers and maids. This means that some of his peers are quite normal, and some are egregious ojous who will very likely be charmed into his harem eventually.
Do you know more ojou-sama characters in anime? Let fans know in the comments section below.
great article!
there are a lot of ojous, and you chose a fine list. while I’m sure there are others I’ll chime in with at some point, I just have to recommend Kakegurui. she radiates nice ojouness but can also bring an intensity that you basically don’t see in any of the other ojous…period. she’s capitvating…opaque, but in a spellbinding way.