They are sickly sweet to the object of their obsessive affection, but inside they are just sick. The yandere anime girl is as sweet as she is terrifying. They would do anything to be with the one they love, like killing all their friends, their pets, their parents, and even person they are obsessed with if they really need to. That’s jsut how much they can love someone.
The yandere girl is a bit of a rarity in anime, and that is likely because they are hard to do in a way that endears them to people. Not everyone finds potentially being stabbed to death a charming quality, you know? However, there is something sinisterly charming about a girl that loves someone so much they would kill for them.
Best Yandere Anime Girls
What is a Yandere?
Chances are that if you are here, you came here looking for a yandere girl to fall in love with and already know what one is. However, if nothing else, knowing what we think defines a yandere character can help you be more familiar with our criteria for choosing them.
“Yandere,” by definition, is a portmanteau of “yanderu,” meaning insane, and “deredere,” meaning loving. You could say it means that a character is lovesick, but it is much more than that. It is more like love with a side dish of psychopathy. A yandere is a character that is so in love that they are willing to do anything for that person or to them if it means they remain theirs.
They will do absolutely anything.
If this means killing themselves to save their beloved. They’d gladly die. If this means killing all that person’s friends so they won’t be taken away from them, then yup, those people are gonna die. If it means killing the person they love because a corpse can never leave them, then oh boy, their lover is about to be hardcore murdered.
If this is your archetype, you’ll find a little less of a selection compared to the less psychopathic dere types, but hopefully someone in our yandere collection catches your eye.
Looking For More Dere?

Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia
Although she’s a villain, Himiko is probably one of the more compelling yanderes. She falls in love easily, and when she does, she loves them so fiercely that she wants to become them. As she can take on the appearance of others with just a little of their blood, one quick slice and she gets her wish.
While her power is pretty interesting, for a villain, she often ends up appearing more sympathetic than psychotic.

Yukako Yamagishi from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable
While Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is awash in a sea of dudes, at least until Stone Ocean, Yukako is one of its more memorable female characters. She falls in love rather casually one day and does not go about winning his young heart in a super chill way.
Instead, her plan is to kidnap him and make him love her. Eventually the guy uses his Stand to escape her, though.
The most interesting twist is that her plan kind of works. They do end up dating, and once her love is reciprocated, she is rather normal. She still channels that yandere past of hers when it is time to protect him though.

Akane Hiyama from Love Tyrant
It seems like it is one of those anime rules where the girl that is idolized in class must have a personality contrary to that. For Akane, school idol and love interest of the main character, her unique personality is a textbook yandere.
She frequently draws knifes on people and even on Seiji, the man she loves. One episode, knowing that he was temporarily immortal, she even keeps repeatedly stabbing him for being a homewrecker.
Over the series, her yandere nature mellows out a bit, but she would definitely still kill for him. She just loses the part of her personality that also wants to kill him when angered.

War Nurse Kurumi from Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka
There are more than a few psychopaths in this dark magical girl series, but psychopathy alone does not a yandere make. It is only part of the recipe.
In any other magical girl series, the nurse or support character would be all loving. In Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka, War Nurse Kurumi is all yandere.
She has a lot of love for the titular Asuka and is frequently jealous of her non-magical girl school friends, but controls that murderous rage. The people that hurt Asuka on the battlefield, however… They get her special torture if captured alive.

Yutori Kokorogi from Tomodachi Game
It wouldn’t be a very fun series of friendship trust games if there weren’t a few psychopathic and manipulative characters in Tomodachi Game. When it comes to yandere, Kokorogi is perhaps one of the more dislikable ones.
It is one thing to want to kill your lover or kill for them, but completely manipulating them and frequently playing victim just to spend time with them isn’t such a good look. However, her top-tier manipulation skills certainly put everyone that crosses her in big danger.

Lum from Urusei Yatsura
What could make a better love story than an alien who forms an immediate and extremely possessive attachment to an unrepentant pervert? A large chunk of the comedy in this rom-com comes from how upset she gets when his eyes stray.
However, it never quite tips over the edge into the realm of murder, but Lum has a lot of the latent traits for a yandere and the power to pull it off effortlessly.

Ayase Aragaki from Oreimo
Throughout Oreimo, Ayase is the best friend of Kirino and has little love for her older brother, Kyousuke.
While the majority of the series has her firmly typecast into the tsundere role, throughout the second season we watch her drift over the line into yandere territory where her obsession with Kirino hints at violent tendencies when it comes to Kyousuke.
However, because it is all just for comedic effect, she never acts on it.

Akechi Mitsuhide from Battle Girls: Time Paradox
Battle Girls is a neat little series about a girl being sent back to the Sengoku Era, but all the famous warlords from that time are also women.
As anime also has a love affair with how it portrays Akechi Mitsuhide due his ultimate betrayal of Nobunaga for still heretofore unclear reasons, it seems pretty natural they would make this female version into a yandere.
Historically, Mitsuhide betrayed Nobunaga at Honnoji Temple. In this series, Mitsuhide lights the temple on fire in a jealous rage because she saw Nobunaga kissing someone else. Unlike in history, everyone survives this event.

Kale from Dragon Ball Super
The women in Dragon Ball are all presented to have pretty strong and violent personalities, so it seems about right that the first female Super Saiyans have a yandere or two among them.
Kale is presented as a rather weak Saiyan who is initially failed at going Super Saiyan. However, she eventually succeeds out of pure jealousy over seeing someone else get closer to Caulifa.
Furthermore, when she sees Caulifa enjoying a nice fight with Goku, well, the jealousy becomes a bit more potently explosive. Luckily for Goku, it is probably the 5,000th time someone tried to murder him, so he knows how to handle himself.

Fina Shinozaki from Infinite Ryvius
Only gods can help those that date Fina. Actually, dating her is fine, it is the inevitable breaking up part that ends badly for them.
She is outed as a yandere when her current boyfriend breaks up with her and she makes an attempt on his life for it. It is also revealed that she did succeed in killing her previous boyfriend when he tried to break up with her as well.
Even more messed up is that she’ll also fly into a murderous rage if you mention her previous boyfriends too. This is all put into the most basic of terms, but she is actually a pretty complicated yandere character.

Kaede Fuyou from Shuffle
There are some that call Kaede the “first yandere,” but that is a debate for another time. However, she certainly presents all the now-classic traits from the dead eyes, intense stare, and, you know, the violent tendencies.
In Shuffle, Kaede is presented as the childhood friend. You know what happens to childhood friends in romance anime? Well, traditionally they are pushed to the side in lieu of shiny new girls.
That happens in Shuffle too, but Kaede doesn’t take it laying down. No, she takes up a boxcutter and channels murderous rage.

Anna Nishikinomiya from Shimoneta
Yandere characters are often characters in the extreme. In Anna’s case, they added an extra dose of extreme.
Living in a world without dirty jokes, Anna falls in love and confuses these new feelings with sexual arousal. It pushes her to an extreme degree of infatuation that fuels her actions.
Aside from stalking Tanukichi and threatening him with sharp objects, she also loves doing weird experiments on him, like trying to stick his bits in a vacuum cleaner and feeding him her “special” cookies.

Mika Harima from Durarara!!
There are actually quite a few yandere characters in Durarara – of both genders. Mika is an interesting case. She is so in love with Seiji, a man that has a yandere obsession of his own with the severed head of a Dullahan, that she gets plastic surgery so her face looks like the severed heads’ face.
This actually works. They have a relationship that weirdly works for them.
Of course, her ultimate plan is to find that head and eat it so she can be one with Seiji forever. So, you know, there’s that.

Touko Fukawa from Danganronpa
Danganronpa is a series notable for its over-the-top character personalities. However, perhaps the most extreme is Touko. She is a quiet and bookish girl with a crush on the snobbish rich kid. However, that is just one personality.
Her other personality is a crazed serial killer. She maintains her one-sided love and when properly triggered, her serial killer side is ready to effortlessly murder for him. However, she is a tamed yandere. She would never harm her one-sided love interest, and she is also completely submissive to his will.

Satou Matsuzaka from Happy Sugar Life
It is pretty rare for a yandere to be the star of the show, and Happy Sugar Life is what happens when you let a yandere star in the show.
The entire series is about Satou falling in love with a girl, kidnapping her, and playing house with her locked in her apartment. While her lover is kept pretty happy despite the lack of freedom, Satou works tirelessly – and murderously – to keep her that way.
If you don’t want to settle for just a yandere character that is part of an otherwise normal anime series, Happy Sugar Life is all about a yandere love affair and likely perfect for you.

Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica
It is made plenty clear by the end of the original Madoka Magica series that Homura would do absolutely anything for Madoka. She suffered a lot to prove her dedication.
However, Homura doesn’t really truly ascend to yandere heights until the Rebellion movies where she takes her Madoka-based motivations to potentially more evil extremes.

Hitagi Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari
Bakemonogatari has a lot going on in it, and one of those things is the love story between Araragi and Hitagi. While sometimes it is a pretty sweet little love story, make no mistake that Hitagi has a yandere streak.
Imagine almost getting stabbed when you talk about others girls, because that is what is likely to happen with her. However, the biggest person in danger from her is Araragi himself. She states that he will be the only person she ever kills, and if someone kills him, then his killer will then become the only person she kills.

Nadeko Sengoku from Bakemonogatari
By Monogatari standards, Nadeko used to be a normal girl, but then she fell in love.
She fell so hard for Araragi, but managed to keep the crazy in despite her admitted jealousy. Unfortunately, after a little provocation by Shinobu, she completely breaks. When she picked up the pieces, she became the first yandere deity in anime.
What is it about Araragi that really attracts yanderes?

Shion Sonozaki from Higurashi: When They Cry
Shion and her sister Mion are twins, but while one has a bit of a tsundere shell to her, Shion seems like a refined and normal young lady. However, lurking beneath the surface of a every proper lady is a girl that will kill you or kill everyone for you.
As Higurashi likes to use identical twins in that stereotypical way, it can often become confusing on who is actually the yandere because you are often left unclear as to which sister you are actually watching.

Katsura Kotonoha from School Days
Anyone who has seen the end of School Days knows exactly what makes Katsura a yandere.
However, for much of the series, she seemed like a pretty normal shy girl. In fact, there is another on the show – and on this very list – that exhibited more outward yandere traits than she ever did. That said, the ending still firmly makes her yandere status clear.

Lucy from Elfen Lied
Lucy was probably the first yandere you were ever introduced to. However, due to discrimination and the military experiments during her upbringing, her love sickness is not actually love sickness at all. She acts very much on instinct, and that instinct is fed by psychopathy.

Ryoko Asakura from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Time travelers, aliens, espers – you expected all of that in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, but you probably didn’t expect a yandere.
While Ryoko excels academically and physically, her main purpose is to observe Haruhi and see how she reacts to particular situations. So when she wants to find something out, she is not above trying to kill Kyon to do it.

Sekai Saionji from School Days
Unlike Kotonoha, throughout School Days you watch Sekai transform from silly love-struck school girl to full-on violent psycho.
While Kotonoha commits some serious brutality, the fact that you get to watch Sekai’s transformation makes her best girl.

Misa Amane from Death Note
Misa-Misa is one of the more chill yandere girls in anime. She is not cackling like a crazy person, but rather being sweetly murderous and in love.
Misa is obsessed with Light and willing to do anything to make his dream come true, even cut her own lifespan in half. She is even so very casual when it comes to talking about and killing anyone around them that might threaten his plans, especially other girls.

Hotogi Shirayuki from Aria the Scarlet Ammo
Like most yandere girls, Shirayuki looks perfect and beautiful on the outside, even to her obsession, Kinji. However, because she is so obsessively in love with Kinji, she is also insanely jealous. Every time another girl gets near Kinji, she goes berserk and lets her psychotic kill instincts take over.

Nina Einstein from Code Geass
Most yandere girls pick knives as their weapon of choice to defend their beloved, but after an incident involving her beloved Princess Euphemia, Nina chooses nukes.

Rena Ryuuguu from Higurashi: When They Cry
Rena starts off so cute that it hurts, but like a good yandere, there is a crazy violent girl in there that will haunt your nightmares. However, one could argue that Rena isn’t actually a true yandere so much as she becomes one due to various plot circumstances.

Megumi Shimizu from Shiki
For Yuuki Natsuno, there was nothing worse than his stalker country girl Megumi following him everywhere.
Lucky for him, she died.
Unluckily for him, she didn’t stay dead. What is worse than a obsessive stalker? An obsessive vampire stalker.

Takami Minatsuki from Deadman Wonderland
Takami is one of the most clever yandere’s out there. She’s not particularly lovesick so much as she is just crazy. However, she is crazy like a fox, or at least crazy enough to act sweet and innocent until she can murder everyone around her horribly.
Of course, because she trusts no one and was turned crazy by past experiences, she can never be a true yandere because she loves no one.

Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan
She may be your favorite Attack on Titan character (as well as the one with the best abs), but she is, by definition, a yandere.
After being saved by Eren and his family, she is as obsessive and protective of him as a bulldog, putting herself into dangerous situations if it means saving his life.

Yuno Gasai from Future Diary
Yuno is famous in anime for her nasty habit of trying to kill Yukiteru’s friends, family, and enemies alike. She even tries to keep him as a drugged up prisoner so that he won’t leave her at one point. She’s crazy, but lovable … but also really kind of terrifying.
Did we miss any of your favorite yandere girls from anime on this list? Tell us all about those killer beauties in the comments section below.
i think that covers it
j’ai récement regarder “Happy sugar life” (2019) où il y a une magnifique yandere
esdeath from akame ga kill
The depressing moment when Crunchyroll has almost none of them…
Whomever made this list has no clue what yandere means so I will leave it here for you: A yandere is a character, usually female, who harbors powerful affections for another person to the point of either being jealous, aggressive, controlling, or downright insane and violent to the point of killing anyone(usually also female) that looks at their supposed love interest. Typically used to refer to anime/manga characters, but there are similar cases in the real world.
yuno gasai is me by the wy
ok revy enjoys killing, is sick and all but where’s the “dere”
I’m sorry but it is objectively wrong to label Mikasa a yandere, a key factor of being a yandere is that their jealousy and possessiveness is taken to the point of being violent towards others and towards their love interest. Your description of why Mikasa is a yandere makes Samwise one as well, so does Riza Hawkeye and every mother basically becomes a yandere.
I know she doesn’t have a anime yet but she’s more deadly than yuno every body knows I’t ayano aishi from yandere simulater lets hope she gets an anime and be ranked here
I agree
Suk meh
Definitely one of the best