There are more than a few overpowered main characters in anime. In fact, some series seem to build their story fully around how strong, cool, and all-around perfect the main character is. However, not every overpowered anime main character is fun to watch. Sometimes the best overpowered main characters aren’t the dour, serious men of action, but the silly goofballs that don’t take things too seriously.
Instead of telling “just another action anime with an OP main character” story, sometimes the more fun approach is to make the main character overpowered, but let the anime actually be pretty comical.
If you are looking for comedy anime that lets their main character be so overpowered that its comical, then check out these anime recommendations.
Comedy Anime With Overpowered Main Characters

Helck is one of those comedy anime series that isn’t what it seems at first glance. At first, it presents itself as a singular comedy anime about an overpowered human hero competing in a demon tournament to pick the next demon king. Being overpowered, he easily wins the challenges, and espousing his hatred of humanity, he easily wins the hearts of the demon crowd. Of course, the upper ranking demons are suspicious of him, and then try to trip him up.
However, Helck evolves. It evolves from what seems like a pure comedy anime about an overpowered human in a demon world to being about him actually trying to stop humanity who has become bent on the complete genocide of demons. In essence, it starts as a comedy anime, but develops a serious and increasingly dark plot.
Don’t worry, though. Helck never forgets to insert a bit of silliness so you don’t forget the goofy comedy you loved it for in the beginning.

Cautious Hero – The Hero is Overpowered But Overly Cautious
It’s right there in the title – The Hero is Overpowered, BUT Overly Cautious. That’s the show.
Cautious Hero is about a goddess training up her chosen isekai hero. He has great aptitude, and thanks to his desire to train for battle, he quickly becomes quite powerful. However, he is a bit of an over-prepper. Meaning that he wants to be over-prepared for every potential situation, much to the chagrin of his goddess and to the detriment of many other deities.
Watch this hero overcome every obstacle with wildly overgrinded skill, then go back to the Heavens to mindbreak a series of deities that are forced to train him.
While Cautious Hero is legitimately an excellent comedy and a great parody of isekai, it actually has a pretty serious reason for the joke. It strips the comedy from the joke at the end and gives you an overpowered punch right in the feels.

Mob Psycho 100
Mob Psycho 100 is a fun twist on both paranormal mystery anime and shounen action anime in general by having such a uniquely innocent, yet overpowered main character who is taken advantage of by a smooth-talking charlatan.
Essentially, Mob is a wildly overpowered psychic who tries to hide his abilities to live a normal life, and he ends up working for a “psychic” detective who uses the boy’s powers to solve his cases.
While Mob Psycho 100 can be stunning with the action in the moments when it is serious, much of the time it is just silly moments of Mob stumbling through life.

One Punch Man
As well as sharing an author with Mob Psycho 100, One Punch Man shares a passion for overpowered main characters that are also just kind of comical characters. They have muted personalities, and don’t take much too seriously.
However, while Mob’s laid-back attitude comes from youth and innocence, Saitama’s attitude comes from boredom and apathy since One Punch Man bravely asserts that being an overpowered anime hero is… Actually kind of boring.
One Punch Man is about a guy who trained so hard that now he can beat any opponent in just one punch. Instead of being a great hero, Saitama grew quite bored with it. There’s no challenge to it, so mostly he just kind of lives his life and eschews being a hero altogether. Of course, there is a bright-eyed hopeful that comes along to pull him out of his slump and turns One Punch Man into an increasingly more serious action anime than the silly place it started.

When first going into Mashle, it seems the the main character is an absolute fusion of the aforementioned Saitama from One Punch Man and Mob from Mob Psycho 100. It is so uncanny, I had to make sure it wasn’t by the same author. (It isn’t.)
Regardless, Mashle is essentially about what if a magic-less meathead who dedicated himself to physical training went to Hogwarts.
In order to preserve his family, Mash, a boy born without magic and raised in secret, decides to enroll in magic school and become one of the upper echelon to change the unfair caste system of the world. While he is completely without magic, his physical abilities allow him to perform feats that look like magic.
The comedy in this series often comes from how effortlessly Mash performs these magnificent feats and how little he seems to give a f*ck. All he cares about is when he gets his next cream puff.

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Similar to Mob Psycho 100, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K follows a wildly powerful psychic who hides his abilities in order to live a normal life. However, unlike Mob Psycho 100 that has its moments of shounen action, The Disaster of Saiki K is a pure comedy anime about the weird people all around the main character.
Enjoy a wide array of comically absurd situations that, due to the 5-minute episode run-time, never overstay their welcome.

Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
As you can guess from the title, Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life is about a girl who was prodigal and wealthy in her previous life, wanting to live a simpler happy life of social equality in the next. Unfortunately, she was reborn in a noble family with great magical abilities.
What the title doesn’t tell you is that she runs off to the country to join a small adventurers’ school where she hides her powers to make friends.
While Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life is very much a CGDCT isekai anime, it does love to lean on the joke of the main character using her powers in what she believes to be a low-key way only to have her companions be utterly blown away by how powerful she is.

Bofuri: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense
For the sake of fairness, it is hard to be too overpowered in a real MMO, but Bofuri is a VRMMO anime that throws the concept of fairness out the window and spits on it.
This series follows a girl who casually plays a VRMMO for the first time. Like the uninformed, inexperience game player that she is, she decides to put all her stats into defense. This makes her move slow and struggle to kill anything, but also not really take any damage either. However, due to this quirk, she ends up acquiring a series of items that essentially make her defense impenetrable and also reflect damage.
Did you ever want to watch a cute anime girl cheerfully stomp hardcore elite MMO players into the dust with a smile on her face? Because that’s Bofuri. Maple is every bit a cute waifu, and it is comedic and refreshing to see her absolutely destroy tryhards.

Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town
Again, we have ourselves a series that explains the entire concept in the title. Unfortunately, while the concept is actually interesting, the actual plot of the show isn’t much to talk about.
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town is a quintessential overpowered hero comedy anime. You watch the main character go to the starter town and the joke is that he continually thinks he is weak despite (often unknowingly) bulldozing over challenges with his extreme might.

Chillin’ in My 30s after Getting Fired from the Demon King’s Army
The interesting thing about Chillin’ in My 30s after Getting Fired from the Demon King’s Army is that the main character was well liked in the demon army because he was fair and personable. However, he was actually considered quite weak. Soon after being fired due to nepotism, he discovers he was weak by demon standards because he was a human. By human standards, he is easily one of the most powerful and the series never lets you forget that with its jokes.
Outside of that, this series is very much a town builder where he helps the floundering human town that saved him while also building towards fair coexistence with his former demon friends despite what the higher ups in the demon army want.

Tsukimichi – Moonlit Fantasy
Tsukimichi twists the classic isekai formula in quite a few ways. First, the main character was born on Earth to parents who were from another world. In return for their safe passage, they agreed to give up what they loved most as payment, which turned out to be their son.
Agreeing to be sent to the world his parents came from, the main character gets a bit of rude awakening when the goddess of that world finds him repulsively ugly. Although he gains wildly overpowered abilities from the god of Earth, he is still flung to the far reaches of his new fantasy world where every human is either repulsed by his face or terrified of his overwhelming magical aura.
The comedy of this series comes from a guy who just wants to be part of human society being shunned and accidentally becoming the champion of the beleaguered beast people.

Classroom for Heroes
It may be called Classroom for Heroes, but the main character is certainly so overpowered he should be teaching the classes, not taking them. However, in truth, Classroom for Heroes is one of those “the OP hero just wants to have a happy school life” affairs.
Unlike the usual series about just that, Classroom for Heroes resists many attempts at serious plot by being silly and progressively turning into one of the largest, weirdest fantasy harems bursting with everything from baby dragon girls to AI entities with big ol’ booba.

Level 1 Demon Lord and The One Room Hero
Level 1 Demon Lord and The One Room Hero is a lovely little comedy about what heroes do after defeating the demon lord. Apparently, they get embroiled in a series of sleazy scandals then end up living in shame in a run-down, haunted studio apartment. Their world-saving sword rusts laying around on the floor while they tug it to internet porn to pass the time.
Of course, this series is about the demon lord, having earned respect for the hero, waking up prematurely to seek him out, finding out he became a loser, and living with him not unlike a girlfriend in an effort to rehabilitate his lifestyle.
While Level 1 Demon Lord and The One Room Hero starts off as a pretty decent comedy, this series does actually manifest an interesting, more serious plot as it goes on. However, much like Helck that does something similar, it never forgets to be a bit silly.
Do you have more anime where the main character is just comically overpowered? Let fans know in the comments section below.