There are over 1,000 anime recommendations on this site. Do you just want to browse forever until you find something cool? Then, browse, browse unto the dawn!
Anime Like Millionaire Detective: Balance: Unlimited
Daisuke Kanbe is a man of extraordinary wealth and has been assigned to the Modern…
10 Anime Series To Get You Started With the Comedy Genre
It doesn’t matter who you are, you like to laugh. However, comedy is highly subjective….
Anime Like To Your Eternity
One day, an entity, for reasons unknown, threw an orb to Earth. With no emotion…
5 Best (and Worst!) School Uniforms in Anime
While school uniforms in school have been a bit of a debated topic in real…
Anime Like Mix: Meisei Story
It has been almost 30 years since the legend of Tatsuya Uesugi and the Meisei…
12 Regressor Anime Where a Main Character Can Redo Their Past
If you could go back in time, what would you do differently? It is an…
16 Murder Mystery Anime About Finding Out Whodunnit
The mystery genre of anime is vast and full of cases to solve. However, there…
5 Spring 2020 Season Anime Series Worth Watching This Summer
Held captive by quarantine for most of this season, do you think this made opinions…
15 Anime Set in the Victorian Era
While there are a number of historical, or at least historically-inspired anime, historical anime does…