7 Seeds

reborn in the same world isekai reborn to master the blade anime

12 Isekai Anime Where The Main Character is Reborn in the Same World

Isekai anime is a big popular genre now, and the singular tenant on what makes an isekai anime an “isekai” is that a character gets reincarnated or transported to a new world. However, while the term “isekai” does indeed translate into “another world.” They don’t need to be sent to the same boilerplate medieval fantasy

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japan sinks 2020 anime

Anime Like Japan Sinks 2020

On a day just like any other in Tokyo, a devastating earthquake rocks Japan. Separated by the activities of their daily lives, the Mutoh family struggles to find each other in the chaos. However, as they are brought together, they soon find that the news is so much worse. With Mount Fuji threatening to erupt

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7 seeds anime

Anime Like 7 Seeds

With extinction-level meteors heading towards Earth, the government attempted to preserve humanity with the 7 Seeds Program. In this program, several teams of young people were established, frozen, and to be woken up in the future after the planet is livable again. However, the world these children wake up in is wild and dangerous where

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dr stone anime

Anime Like Dr. Stone

After years of unspoken feelings, Taiju Ooki is about to confess to his crush. However, at that moment, a bright green light engulfs humanity, and suddenly everyone is turned to stone. Thousands of years later, exactly the right series of events lines up in nature and leads to teenage genius and best friend of Taiju,

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