Chio’s School Road

snack basue anime

Anime Like Snack Basue

Located five stations away from the booming nightlife district in Sapporo, one can find a small bar called Snack Bus. Run by an older mama Basue and a younger, feistier mama Akemi, the pair deal with the slow trickle of eccentric regulars that come for conversation, drinks of varying strength, and poorly cooked, if available,

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high score girl anime

Anime Like High Score Girl

Haruo is not popular, handsome, or even friendly. His sole redeeming quality is his skill at video games. However, his world is thrown upside down by a popular rich girl in his class, Oono, who absolutely trounces him in every game. Now He follows her from arcade to arcade trying to win. A good comedy

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Hanako with comical doe eyes, Olivia scheming, and Kasumi looking sweet in the Asobi Asobase anime

Anime Like Asobi Asobase

One day, Olivia – blonde-haired, foreign-looking transfer student – lies to air-headed Hanako about her English skills. Despite her looks, she has actually lived in Japan almost all her life and can’t speak English very well, but succeeded in tricking Hanako. This bit of mischief sparked a series of small games in the classroom between

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