Haibane Renmei

tasokare hotel anime

Anime Like Tasokare Hotel

Forever in twilight in a space between life and death, the Tasogare Hotel welcomes customers who are unaware of who they are or even if they are living or dead. Given rooms filled with items that may help them remember who they are and what happened to them that caused them to be stuck in […]

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the fire hunter anime

Anime Like The Fire Hunter

After repeated wars, human biology changed. Now when humans get too close to natural fire, they combust. However, society has not completely collapsed without fire. Instead it has been replaced by a special material harvested by Fire Hunters from giant monsters that stalk the forests. Touko, a girl from a rural village, is saved by

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shadows house anime

Anime Like Shadows House

The Shadows are a family of nobles who live in their massive mansion. They are pitch black in appearance and emit soot that will linger on everything they touch. In order to effectively display their emotions, each Shadow is given a Living Doll to be their attendant and their face. This is the tale of

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