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From Rookie to Rockstar! – 15 Sports Anime Where The Main Character Starts as a Complete Novice

In my admittedly limited experience with sports anime, the vast majority of the plots can be split into two general themes. The first is that someone that was once good at a sport or sports in general has quit and the series is about the main character getting back into some sport. The second follows

From Rookie to Rockstar! – 15 Sports Anime Where The Main Character Starts as a Complete Novice Read More »

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16 Best Muscle Ladies in Anime

Your typical anime lady is, well, if not moe, at least cute in a very conventionally attractive way. It is typically anime girls that sell more than a few anime series, after all. She is likely thin and, even if athletic, not exactly bulging with muscles. Not everyone tends to think muscles are particularly “cute,”

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