Slam Dunk

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From Rookie to Rockstar! – 15 Sports Anime Where The Main Character Starts as a Complete Novice

In my admittedly limited experience with sports anime, the vast majority of the plots can be split into two general themes. The first is that someone that was once good at a sport or sports in general has quit and the series is about the main character getting back into some sport. The second follows

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slam dunk anime

Anime Like Slam Dunk

Hanamichi Sakuragi is known for three things – his height, his fiery red hair, and his fiery-hot temper. Hoping to get a girlfriend, unfortunately his looks and reputation send most girls running. However, when a girl approaches him one day and asks if he likes basketball, of course he falls in love with her and

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hajime no ippo anime

Anime Like Hajime no Ippo

Makunouchi Ippo has been bullied his entire life, but dreams of changing himself. One day, he is saved by Takamura Mamoru, who happens to be a boxer. After Ippo faints from his injuries, Mamoru takes him to his gym where Ippo asks to be trained in the sport of boxing. Only anime can transform a

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