Sonny Boy

tasokare hotel anime

Anime Like Tasokare Hotel

Forever in twilight in a space between life and death, the Tasogare Hotel welcomes customers who are unaware of who they are or even if they are living or dead. Given rooms filled with items that may help them remember who they are and what happened to them that caused them to be stuck in […]

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bye bye earth

Anime Like Bye Bye, Earth

In a world of anthropomorphic animals, Belle Lablac feels isolated as the only human. With no fur or fangs, she decides to become a nomad in order to travel and find a place where she belongs with people who look like her. However, before Belle can even begin her journey, she must undertake a number

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isekai but

“Isekai, but…” – 15 Isekai Anime That Twist the Classic Set Up

Isekai – It is big enough to be a genre of its own now, and it literally gets bigger with every new season of anime that premieres. However, unlike broad genres like “Action” or “Fantasy,” isekai has a rather strict definition, and that strictness limits how creative it can be while still being within this

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sonny boy anime

Anime Like Sonny Boy

One normal day during summer vacation, the school and the 36 students inside began to drift into another dimension. Once there, many of the students begin to develop supernatural powers. At first, the school is surrounded by blackness, but their world soon changes, and as they drift, they find their new realities bound by certain

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