The Tatami Galaxy

sonny boy anime

Anime Like Sonny Boy

One normal day during summer vacation, the school and the 36 students inside began to drift into another dimension. Once there, many of the students begin to develop supernatural powers. At first, the school is surrounded by blackness, but their world soon changes, and as they drift, they find their new realities bound by certain

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cliche crusher jujutsu kaisen anime

Cliche Crushers: 10 Anime That Skip Cliches to Do Something Original

Cliches and anime are old buddies. Lewd hand-holding buddies that go for long walks on the beach. And that’s not a bad thing! You know how cliches are made? Because fans enjoyed them so much that creators just keep using them. However, that doesn’t mean originality needs to be dead. Breaking cliches in anime can

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