Uma Musume

kemonomimi anime

Kemonomimi Craze – 25 Anime Series Featuring Beast People

There isn’t anything more quintessentially anime than the kemonomimi. The term kemonomimi is actually a pretty broad one used to define mostly human characters that have certain animal-like physical characteristics. A very common example is the cat girl, or nekomimi, but kemonomimi covers all the animal characteristics. While there is a certain subset of people

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rail romanesque anime

Anime Like Rail Romanesque

The Japanese railway once served as the country’s most important form of travel. To help the operations, humanoid control modules called Raillords were created. With the advent of the aeroplane, many railroads and their raillords have shut down. Soutetsu, a boy who lost his parents to a rail accident, has returned to his hometown in

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hetalia anime

Moe Anthropomorphism – 15 Anime Where Objects are Personified as Cute Anime Characters

As you are likely familiar, anime artists have a passion for taking things and turning them into beautiful anime characters. They’ve done it to planets, fast food mascots, and flags. Fully realized anime series are a little more rare compared to the abundance of Twitter and Pixiv fanart, but there are a few series that

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