There’s a weird and wonderful world full of anime out there, and age has tempered none of the innate oddness that creators have injected into various series over the years. In fact, I daresay that the “weirdness” of it all is a not small part of anime’s global charm.
Animation can be anything. It can be a gripping emotional drama. It can be an intense action-packed adventure. It can also be about soda cans that transform into girls and fight each other, In a world where anime can be anything, sometimes anime chooses to be very weird.
If you are a connoisseur of the weird anime, I have gathered up my weirdest watches of every major genre.
Do note that “weird” is not synonymous with “bad.” Yes, there are a lot of subjectively bad anime on this list, but also several subjectively good series too. Some were bad because they were so weird, and some were bad for a myriad of other reasons. However, each and every one of these series are worth watching for the weird experience they provide. Sometimes the sheer bizarre-ness of the series makes it a series worth watching.
Weirdest Anime of Every Genre
Weirdest Action Anime

Record of Ragnarok
When the plot of a series has the depth of a garden pond, the only thing left to hook an audience is to go big and go weird.
Record of Ragnarok, a series based around famous historical figures pounding the fleshy faces of literal gods, does indeed go big and weird. The series capitalizes on the popularity of series like Baki or Kengan Ashura where you watch to see ridiculously buff dudes beat each other in a variety of ways. However, they need not create original characters when they can just alter the designs of famous historical figures and deities. This serves the plot based around a tournament where human fighters fight for the continued existence of humanity in a martial arts contest.

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
I feel like Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure has attracted and kept its girthy fan base purely by being weird and only embracing it more as the series goes on.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure tells a generational tale, each arc following a new member of the Joestar family. However, the Victorian England-set first arc of the anime had its meme-worthy moments, but actually wasn’t very weird. Contrast that to its modern-set latest arc, Stone Ocean, where the characters look they came out of bizarro Orange is the New Black, and you can see what has been a full evolution of the series embracing that the weirder the characters are, the better.

Just explaining the basic premise of Symphogears lets people know that it is going to be an experience. However, it doesn’t quite capture just how much it draws you in with the allure of big hype fights and big dope anime beats.
Symphogears takes place in a world where creatures threaten humanity, but the only effective weapon at beating them is ancient battle equipment that is powered by song. So while these only-female fighters are beating enemies and other enemy organizations in epic battles, they are singing a tonally poignant song the entire time. While that is actually just marvelous to watch, you also become invested in the wide array of character stories unfolding and being built out over the course of the series.
There is a good reason that Symphogears got five seasons when many other series can barely get one, and that is because it has characters you become invested in… And want to buy merch of. Really, Symphogears was a merch-marketing dream series of watching waifus beat the absolute snot out of aliens in rhythm to admittedly catching songs that they are singing.
Weirdest Comedy Anime

Pop Team Epic
As a practically elderly person, I view Pop Team Epic as the comedy anime for the Gen Z/Gen Alpha crowd. You know, the Tiktok generation who only consume content in short minute-long bursts before scrolling to the next. That’s how Pop Team Epic provides skits.
In this comedy anime, you get a number of short comedy skits, many of which are parodying other media or are just bizarrely abstract, flung at you in rapid succession. It is a solid comedy anime for the limited attention span.

Sekko Boys
Sekko Boys is an idol comedy anime about a group of four male idols who are Greco-Roman statue busts. Do.. I really need to go on?
Watch as these legless beauties in marble are ferried around by their beleaguered human manager and navigate the path to stardom among a series of stone-based puns.

Back Street Girls
Given this and Sekko Boys, maybe I should have just made weird idol anime a section of its own. Regardless, Back Street Girls is yet another comedy idol anime about three yakuza who messed up. They were told by their boss to go to Thailand, get a sex change, and train to be a successful idol group that will serve as another business venture for the clan.
This seems like a series that may have rather offensive anti-transgender undertones, but while I can’t speak for the community, I do think it does a good job at highlighting the comedy of its ridiculous premise without being offensive.
Weirdest Romance Anime

Mysterious Girlfriend X
Anyone who has kissed someone else on the lips has undoubtedly swapped a bit of saliva with them. However, Mysterious Girlfriend X goes and makes that natural occurrence pretty gross.
Mysterious Girlfriend X follows a boy who sees his weird female classmate sleeping at school and feels strangely compelled to sample her drool. So he does!
Unknown to him, her drool has bonding properties as well as addictive properties. So, now he is in love with her and addicted to her drool so much that he must regularly ingest it.
What comes after is actually a pretty standard story of growing love, but… The drool of it all never leaves.

Midori Days
Midori Days takes the novel concept of loving your own hand a bit too much to the most logical anime extreme – having a cute waifu as your hand.
Midori Days is a unique rom-com concept that features a thug who, after being rejected by yet another girl and resigning himself to his hand being his only girlfriend in high school, has his fist replaced by a small version of a classmate who admits to having a crush on him for several years. Shenanigans ensue.
As this is an older anime, it actually isn’t as gross or bodacious as I think a modern version of the story would have made it.

How Clumsy You Are, Miss Ueno
Poor Ueno. She just wants to be in a rom-com, but the target of her affections is just so dense. Of course, the absolutely bizarre fetish-feeding science experiments she puts him through in an effort to realize her affections probably isn’t helping.
There is a sect of anime fans that hate all over Please Don’t Bully Me, Miss Nagatoro because of the occasionally extreme levels of bullying it displays. However, I don’t think any of them have watched this series, which starts with an episode about the titular Ueno trying to trick a boy into drinking her pee, so…
Weirdest Harem Anime

The Fruit of Grisaia
I have watched a lot of harem anime, and not because I like it in particular, but so I can make recommendations for it! All that said, I watched every speck of The Fruit of Grisaia – both seasons and the OVA – because it was so bizarre, and I loved that about it.
It isn’t every day where you find a harem anime where cannibalism is part of a girl’s backstory. Most harem anime also doesn’t feature a main character “helping the girls overcome their issues” by doing things like burying them alive. However, you probably should expect nothing less from an ex-assassin/terrorist who has all the personality and older adoptive mommy issues of Fate/Zero’s Kirisugu Emiya.
What starts as a pretty standard, albeit flimsy story of a guy starting school in an academy where only like five other girls attend turned into a utterly bizarre action story of his battle harem rescuing him from terrorists by the end. It grows that so grand in scope and out of genre that you just can’t look away.

Brynhildr in the Darkness
There is plenty you can expect from a harem anime. Multiple cute girls of varying stereotypes is a must. There likely will be a beach episode. Everyone is going to love what is legitimately a painfully average guy for his ability to display basic human kindness. However, you don’t expect any of those girls in the harem to randomly, violently implode like the blood sacks we all are if they don’t take their medicine.
Brynhildr in the Darkness combines intrigue and gore into a harem setting as a boy befriends, not one, but several escaped lab rats (and teenage girls) who manifested supernatural abilities.
What ensues is not quite as intense and wildly out of genre as The Fruit of Grisia’s harem story, but its close. He gets pulled into the intrigue around these girls as well as furiously tries to keep them alive, all while injecting standard harem activities in between, oddly enough.

The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
When looked at as the glaring harem genre parody that 100 Girlfriends very obviously is, it isn’t actually that weird. It is taking a lot of common tropes and going extra big with them for comedy. However, if someone wholly unfamiliar with the degeneracy of anime were to watch it, hoo-boy! It’d be very weird.
100 Girlfriends comically builds an ultra-harem by having the main character pray to god for better romantic luck after his 100th rejection. That god declares that in his upcoming high school career, he will meet 100 soulmates. However, the catch is that if he doesn’t date any one of his soulmates, they will die.
What comes after is every flavor of harem oddity and waifu fetish with plenty of ecchi comedy in between.
Weirdest Drama Anime

Flowers of Evil
It is popular to hate on Flowers of Evil because of its experimental use of all rotoscoping animation rather than more traditional techniques. However, let us not forget that the anime itself also has an increasingly unhinged story.
This series follows an apathetic teenage boy who thinks he is above others because he reads the work of obscure French authors and they like normal teen activities like playing games and jerking off. One day, he happens across the gym uniform of his crush, and on a horny impulse, he steals it. Unfortunately for him, he was caught by “the weird girl” in his class, and now she uses that knowledge to blackmail him into a number of weirdly perverted situations, like wearing that stolen gym uniform under his clothes while he goes on a date with said crush.
Flowers of Evil is actually quite a unique look at the turbulent times of adolescence. It is just done in a jarringly weird way that makes full use of accenting the ugly human impulses of its characters with ugly animation.

To Your Eternity
A common theme you will find with a lot of the weird anime on this list is that they are all trying to do something new, which is never a bad thing. However, To Your Eternity really does feel like a new type of story that subverts a lot of old tropes.
The series follows a main character who is a rock for awhile, then a wolf, then a boy, then a bear, and then a whole range of people. In short, he’s not really anything, but has the ability to change into things that he formed an emotional connection with, but who no longer have life of their own. As such, you can expect a lot of people he meets to die, though they don’t always die miserably since he is an ageless being and the story spans hundreds of years of him just wandering.
What is often an emotional tale of him getting involved in the stories of these characters by happenstance grows weirder as it goes on, and the main characters’ presence starts to be written into the history of mankind. It is weird to see a character go from literal rock to worshiped several generations later, but definitely not a bad experience as a story.

Wonder Egg Priority
Magical girl anime is an innately weird genre and one that is uniquely anime. However, thanks to our post-Madoka Magica world, there was a gold rush of creators who sought to further subvert the common tropes of magical girls, each more bizarre than the last.
While Wonder Egg Priority isn’t about a magical girl battle royale or magical girls with PTSD from combat, it is about girls with trauma. This series follows a group of girls who all have friends who killed themselves. However, they are given the magical chance to bring them back to life by fighting the manifestations of trauma that other girls face in a dream world, each trauma defeated brings their friends one step closer to revival.
Wonder Egg Priority, aside from its unique concept, isn’t actually too weird until it goes full-on off the deep end near its conclusion – which, in this case, is a bad thing. The ending introduced a lot of interesting concepts, but did kind of flub them. It left a negative aftertaste to a series that was, for three-fourths of the way through, pretty great.
Weirdest Horror Anime

Happy Sugar Life
Don’t be fooled by the two cute anime girls it likes to put on its cover, there is nothing cute and wholesome about Happy Sugar Life.
This unquestionably horror anime series is about a high school girl who, growing tired of her causal meaningless relationships with men, falls head over heels with an elementary school girl. While that is dubious enough, she expresses her affection by kidnapping the young girl and imbuing her with Stockholm Syndrome while locked in her apartment.
But that’s not all! She also actively tries to kill anyone that threatens her relationship with that child. You know, like the girls’ brother who is trying to free her despite the young child with Stockholm Syndrome not wanting to be freed.
Happy Sugar Life isn’t a scary horror anime so much as it is a pretty messed up one.

Junji Ito Collection / Junji Ito Maniac
Junji Ito Collection and Junji Ito Maniac are both anime adaptations of legendary horror mangaka Junji Ito’s short horror stories. Now, while there is some debate as to how good of an adaptation these series are, there is no debate as to how innately weird the works of Junji Ito are.
Junji Ito is an author that enjoys body horror in particular, which means some characters can undergo nightmarish transformations. However, Junji Ito has always been an author that likes to add a bit of cheeky levity to his horror works so that it is not all creepy tension, which is maybe why some of these horror transformations also come off as unexpectedly hilarious?
The long and short of it is that the Junji Ito anime series are often unexpectedly hilarious, which is a strange thing to say about a horror anime.

Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne
Having a mystery surrounding an immortal working as a detective that is looking into how other immortals are being suddenly killed is an interesting concept – and a concept you don’t expect to have as much lesbian sex as it does.
As per the series lore, when women are introduced to seeds from the world tree, they become immortal while men become violent angels who seek to feast on female immortal flesh. As such, these immortal women often avoid these men, and when you have nothing much else to do with eternity, I guess causal lesbian orgies are on the menu.
While the sexual nature of Mnemosyne was unexpected, it does provide an otherwise gripping original tale outside of that with gore and plenty of dense world-building packed into a rather compact run.
Weirdest Mystery Anime

Who doesn’t love a murder mystery? Well, in Danganronpa, this anime adaptation of a game, it gamifies murder mystery in the form of trapping a bunch of eccentric characters in a school.
Taking place at what was once a school for those with exceptional abilities, Danganronpa locks a class inside the abandoned school building and a bear tells them if one person can murder a classmate, and get away with it, that one person will be allowed to live and leave.
So now it is both a “murder for your life” and “solve murders for your life” affair as the main characters sleuths out who killed who as well as trying to discover why they are being forced to do this.

Shadows House
The mystery genre is home to a lot of detective mysteries, mostly. However, Shadows House dares to do an atmospheric mystery with a setting that feels like something legitimately original.
The series take place, for the most part, in an wildly large house. Inside this house there are sooty shadow people in Victorian clothes and the what appears to be normal humans that they use as their faces so they can discern each others facial expressions and emotions.
The series follows a face-in-training who, while encouraged to not be too curious about things that happen around her, is of course very curious. Shadows House is a slowly unraveling sinister mystery. You wonder what the shadows are, why the need faces, where they get these people from, and what happens to the shadows and faces that don’t meet their standards. Everything is shown off through an endlessly cheerful main character, which makes the seething sinister events happening around her hit even more mysteriously.

Gleipnir has a solid start for a mystery. It features a boy who, for reasons he doesn’t remember, can transform into a team mascot character. No, not by putting on the suit, but is a fully, fleshy version of that mascot. In fact, he can be unzipped and his female companion often crawls inside him like he is a flesh mech to control his body during fights.
Anyway, it poses the question of why he was transformed like this. It also sets up a mystery that his female companion is looking into with him. Overall, it becomes a mystery-motivated sort of battle royale series where the main character doesn’t really want to fight people and doesn’t understand why they want to fight him.
Weirdest Fantasy Anime

Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss has become one of those anime series where saying it is one of your favorites can effect a person’s perception of you. It has become somewhat controversial because of what it does it its very young characters, how it does it, and how it traumatizes you.
Personally, I rather like how traumatizing it is and how bothered I was watching it, because you need to work quite hard to elicit such a response from a child of the Goatse era of the internet.
Trauma aside, Made in Abyss is a fantasy anime that really makes the adventure feel like an adventure. Each layer of the titular Abyss is new to both the characters and the audience. It is full of new surroundings, new creatures, and new dangers. Furthermore, the anime goes to great lengths to make every layer of the Abyss more messed up in terms of morality than the last.

Ranking of Kings
Let this serve as one more reminder that “weird” does not mean “bad,” because not one person can call Ranking of Kings a bad anime without just being an insufferable contrarian.
Ranking of Kings is a fantasy anime that evokes memories of childhood fairy tales. It follows a young prince who is mute, weak, and in this world of kings ranked by their physical strength and ruling prowess, considered to be a disappointing potential heir. However, he works hard, perseveres through the mocking laughter, and overflows with kindness. This immediately makes him a character to root for as he is passed over for the throne in order to install his stronger younger brother.
Ranking of Kings excels in creating characters that fit common fairy tale tropes, then subvert them. The mentor is skilled, but wildly greedy and silly. The evil stepmother is actually overflowing with love for both her sons. The knight with pet snakes is actually a good guy. It never stops surprising you because the tale is so incredibly original while evoking nostalgia at the same time.

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
You know I had to include ol’ Bobobo on here. It is literally illegal to write about weird anime and not include both Bobobo and FLCL, but more on the latter in a bit.
Anyway, Bobobo is a gag comedy anime with a plot about an evil empire that seeks to steal everyone’s hair. Standing bravely in their path is a golden afro’d hero who defeats their minions with his legendary fist of the nose hair martial arts technique.
It sounds like I’m being facetious, but that is the actual plot of this long-beloved shounen action anime parody.
Weirdest Mecha Anime

Darling in the Franxx
At a glance, Darling in the Franxx isn’t so weird. It takes place in a dystopian world where humanity lives in a mobile fortress and children pilot giant mechs to defend them from kaiju monsters.
However, when you see the provocative position in which the male-female pairs pilot the mechs, you begins to see a bit of that anime weirdness that we know and love. Spoilers: It looks a bit like sex.
Yet, that isn’t actually the weirdest part of Darling in the Franxx. The series starts normally, and goes increasingly off the rails as it goes on. The way it ends is so far detached from how it started that becomes Evangelion-levels of weird, just without all that ponderous philosophy.

FLCL was many an anime fans’ first introduction to the true depths of weirdness that anime can approach. However, the weirdness in FLCL often comes from how fast it moves, leaving little time to digest what was just introduced before it is on to the next thing.
By moving at a rapid pace, FLCL fits a full twelve-episode series into six episodes as it explores the coming-of-age story of a boy who gets hit by an alien on a Vespa, smacked by her guitar, and births a robot from his head. Truly, the most relatable puberty story ever told.

Planet With
Flipping through the mecha genre and picking out what I thought were the weirdest mecha anime reminded me that there is actually a lot of oddness in mecha. However, most of the other choices that Planet With beat out don’t have a boy that gets eaten by a giant cat he then pilots like a mech to fight the heroic saviors of Earth.
Planet With actually has a simple to explain plot of a boy who mysteriously feels compelled to fight the heroes that protect Earth. However, the weirdness comes from the details – like the cat mech. However, to Planet With’s extreme credit, it actually explains everything in a way so that it makes perfect, albeit still weird, sense by the end.
Weirdest Sci-Fi Anime

Serial Experiments Lain
You can’t have avant garde anime without a healthy dollop of weird on top. Coincidentally, that is also the most common way for causal samplers to describe Serial Experiments Lain – that one “weird avant garde anime.”
This series is… Hard to explain, as many an experimental anime is. It follows a technophobe who receives an email from a girl who killed herself, saying that she is now inside what is essentially the internet. From there, you follow her journey as this technophobe becomes progressively more jacked into the Wired and jacked out of reality.
Eerily silent at times, difficult to follow, and admittedly easy to fall asleep during, those who stick with the Lain are rewarded with a legendarily thought-provoking story detailing our complicated relationship with technology that is more relevant now than ever.

Normally, Hiroya Oku is figuring out fun new ways to draw boobs in a skintight leather-like suit, but I guess with Inuyashiki he wanted to hone his old man drawing skills since that is who it puts in the main character seat.
Inuyashiki tells a very compact tale about aliens who abduct several humans and reassemble them using alien technology. One teen uses this as irresponsibly as you would expect a teenager to, and the elderly main character feels it is his civic duty to stop him.
The plot isn’t particularly deep, but it is pulled off with such bizarrely new sci-fi flash that it never allows you to realize how flimsy everything is until after the fact.

Space Dandy
Sometimes you just trip over an anime series whose sole appeal to audiences was that it is just trying to be weird. Space Dandy is one of those types of anime, but it succeeds in being lovably weird by taking advantage of the expansive nature of the universe.
There could be anything out in the universe, even space Hooters, and Space Dandy, as a series about a guy documenting new alien species, highlights that. The plot of this series is his job. He goes, encounters a new alien, gets into some kind of weird adventure, then wraps it up. It is the unexpected nature of the plot and the comical tone it never abandons that keeps Space Dandy feeling dandy.
Weirdest Slice of Life Anime

The Way of the Househusband
Slice of life is a genre that many people enjoy because of how cheerful and soothing it is. That said, if you want your slice of life anime to stand out from the mass, you’re going to need a good hook now more than ever. The Way of the Househusband, while lacking the good animation it deserved, has a good hook.
The Way of the Househusband follows a legendary ex-yakuza who disappeared from the criminal underworld and has reappeared as a househusband who cooks and cleans for his office lady wife. You enjoy all the charm that a tough yakuza guy wearing a cute apron can muster as he does things like delicately make bento or go to neighborhood fitness classes for old housewives.
It is because he does all these normal househusband things with such a serious expression and using rough yakuza language that these series is such an enjoyable slice of life comedy.

A Centaur’s Life
Slice of life anime about fantasy creatures isn’t actually that new or that weird. However, slice of life anime following a centaur is pretty new. Furthermore, slice of life anime that really accents all the ways being half-horse in a modern setting is inconvenient is very new.

Girls’ Last Tour
What a cute and cozy road trip anime about two potatoes dressed as militant anime girls roaming the world. Of course, it becomes a little less cute and cozy when you realize the setting is a post-War-To-End-All-Wars setting where about five humans are alive on a planet that is war-ravaged and dying itself.
So, can you really call a slice of life anime “cute and cozy” when the main characters roam around looking for food and water knowing that it is a dwindling resource and they don’t have a future? The anime does its best to still evoke those feelings and it puts a lot of emphasis on encouraging the audience enjoy small, nice things in the moment even if the larger picture is bleak.
Weirdest Ecchi Anime

Shimoneta – A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist
The full title pretty much tells you that Shimoneta is going to be a series about sex jokes. However, it doesn’t stress just how many sex jokes will be thrown at you. Every scene, even if they aren’t verbally making a sex joke, has a sex joke in it.
While impressive, the amount of sex jokes isn’t the weird part of this series, actually. It’s the plot. Shimoneta, like the title says, takes place in a world where sex jokes and anything remotely horny has been outlawed. The main character is eventually pulled out of his mundane life by a girl to become a sex joke terrorist like his father was in an effort to get humanity to embrace the horny again.

Super HxEros
Why not a Tokustatsu-type series with strong horny overtones? It’s combining two things that young men do seem to like a lot – sex jokes and henshin heroes.
Super HxEros provides the comical concept that aliens are trying to take over our planet, not really through violence, but through taking away the libido of humanity. Their hopes are that a loss of human horniness will cause our species to just die out naturally.
To fight against these clearly evil aliens are super horny individuals overflowing with libido that can harness their sexual energy into a power source for battle.

Interspecies Reviewers
I can appreciate an ecchi anime that knows what it wants to be and doesn’t try to adapt much depth outside of it. I’m sure few things are more frustrating to ecchi haters than an ecchi anime with an interesting plot.
Interspecies Reviewers is an anime that doesn’t have much plot. It is about two guys in a fantasy world that go brothel-hopping each night and wax philosophical on the finer points of degeneracy as they meet a series of fantasy ladies of the night.
Weirdest Sports Anime

There are certainly a number of anime that aim for the ecchi audience, but Keijo is a sports anime that felt like it was specifically made for those looking for ecchi sports anime.
Keijo follows a girl who wants to be the very best as the titular sport, Keijo. This sport takes place on platforms floating in a pool. The only-female athletes are tasked with knocking their opponent off their platform to win. However, to do so, you can only use your boobs or butt. So, yeah.

Birdie Wing
I sure hope no one went into Birdie Wing hoping that golf would finally get the serious sports anime treatment like all the other sports, because it sure didn’t.
Birdie Wing is as focused on golf as a teen at a driving range. No, for a large portion of Birdie Wing, it follows a girl who can hit a golf ball really, really far. She uses this skill to take bets in the criminal underworld and win some cash. Of course, she goes aboveboard in the world of golf when she meets a female golfer who can outdo even her skill.
Essentially, the weird thing about Birdie Wing is that it presents golf in the way that Kuroko’s Basketball presents basketball – where many individuals have superpower-like skill at the sport. However, unlike Kuroko’s Basketball, it often narrows the finer points of golf down to “hit the ball really, really far” using your super skill. It ends up unintentionally ridiculous, but quite addictive – especially if you like yuri bait.

Like mecha anime, there is a lot of weird sports anime out there. Like the one about horses reborn as girls that was made to sell gacha or the one where school girls fight in tank battles, cutely. However, Basquash, an anime about basketball played in mechas is, without a doubt, one of the weirder ones.
In this futuristic society, all the fancy folks live on the moon, and the Earth dwellers live rough-and-tumble lives where they blow off steam by playing basketball in mechs. The actual story follows a kid who hates Bigfoot Basketball, as they call it, because a mech injured his sister. So he starts the sport in order to make it look bad, but it turns out he is actually pretty good at it.
Weirdest Isekai Anime

KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World
Kamikatsu works with an actual new and original concept for isekai, genre of the same and overused. It follows a child of a cult leader who was a sacrificed and wished to be reborn in a land without religion, so he was.
However, it turns out there are gods in this world, in a way, and it eventually becomes a race to build the biggest religion. Do you know what makes a religion attractive to simple people? You will learn that the most attractive portions of a religion, according to Kamikatsu, are degeneracy. Liquor, ladies, orgies, fetishes! All of the degeneracy!
Kamikatsu unexpectedly ended up being quite the lewd comedy.

Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon
There is a growing trend in isekai anime of having the protagonist be things other than human. Slimes, spiders, swords, that one where’s he’s a pig – Those are all also pretty abnormal isekai anime, but I believe that Reborn as a Vending Machine is the most weird of that particular abnormal pile.
Even when you are a pig, you can still do basic things like move on your own, but a vending machine? Well, he spends a goodly portion of time being carried around by a busty blonde girl with gorilla strength.
Anyway, while having an isekai about a man who was reborn as a vending machine is quite weird, to the credit of the creator, they worked very hard to make it a viable concept. You can see the sheer amount of thought that went into his power system, his combat abilities, and explaining how he does not immediately just get smashed to bits in a world of fantasy. It’s actually very fun to watch how it pulls all that off.

Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout
Total Fantasy Knockout starts as more of an isekai parody since it follows a man transported to another world and gender-bent into a girl, but he was isekai’d with his woman-hating best friend.
However, while it leans on the joke of shipping the two of them together, Total Fantasy Knockout does go on to present an interesting, though still highly comedy-laced adventure.
There are a lot of weird anime out there. I had to limit myself to three for each category. Did we miss any of your favorite weird anime watches? Let fans know in the comments section below.